Filipe R Costa

What You Need to Know about Leveraged ETFs

What You Need to Know about Leveraged ETFs

9 mins. to read

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have grown in popularity over the last few decades, as they offer a few advantages over other investment vehicles. In particular, retail investors can use them to achieve a much higher degree of diversification within their portfolios without incurring prohibitive fees, while also getting exposure to markets they wouldn’t otherwise be able…

Buying Japan Against the Crowd

Buying Japan Against the Crowd

6 mins. to read

So here we are again at a junction where policymakers have only two choices: one leads to a merry-go-round that ends and starts at the exact same point; the other leads to a dead-end, forcing a return to the departure point. This has been the choice faced by policymakers over the last few years and…

Oil May Derail Russian Stocks (Again)

Oil May Derail Russian Stocks (Again)

4 mins. to read

Back in 2014, and mostly due to the slump in oil prices, Russia fell into a downward spiral that saw the value of its currency slashed and its economy enter a recession. Almost two years later, the currency and the stock market market have recovered, but the economy is still underwater, with GDP declining for…

Turkexit Is Now a Reality

Turkexit Is Now a Reality

4 mins. to read

If I were President Erdogan, I wouldn’t congratulate myself too precipitously upon the failed coup attempt. While his government survived the weekend’s military coup, his country’s future may have been compromised, as Turkey has just exploded the bridge that was guiding Turkey into the bosom of the developed world. This represents the regression of a…

The Death of Bonds

The Death of Bonds

10 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine “The Federal Reserve Bank buys government bonds without one penny…” – Congressman Wright Patman, Congressional Record, Sept 30, 1941   Unlimited Intervention Over the last few years, investors have been trying to front run central banks by purchasing bonds, in anticipation of huge price increases…

Better ‘Hedgit’ than ‘Losit’ on Brexit

Better ‘Hedgit’ than ‘Losit’ on Brexit

6 mins. to read

“What we should grasp, however, from the lessons of European history is that, first, there is nothing necessarily benevolent about programmes of European integration; second, the desire to achieve grand utopian plans often poses a grave threat to freedom; and third, European unity has been tried before, and the outcome was far from happy.” –…

Protecting a Portfolio against Inflation

Protecting a Portfolio against Inflation

6 mins. to read

“It pounds daily on the nerves: the insanity of numbers, the uncertain future… An epidemic of fear and naked need: lines of shoppers, long since a customary sight, once more form in front of shops, first in front of one, then in front of all… The lines always send the same signal: the city, the…

Another Round of Delayed Hikes

Another Round of Delayed Hikes

5 mins. to read

  Things are getting nasty for central banks. They’re wasting their remaining credibility with foolish predictions that just end up being revised at every policy meeting. As I expected, the FED kept rates unchanged for the sixth consecutive month after hiking its funds target in last December to 0.25 – 0.50pc. The FED’s prediction of…