
Christmas is cancelled

Christmas is cancelled

3 mins. to read

One of the things I really like about Sweden is there are fewer people there than there are here in London. About 1 for every 14 because the place is huge and has a smaller population. Their idea of a busy bar is actually reasonably comfortable compared to the crowd densities you see here. And…

Markets Update

Markets Update

2 mins. to read

The main markets just now are a bit like watching paint dry. So when thinking about them my mind drifts onto other things like: if The Great Pottery Throwdown is a clay based version of The Apprentice, will they have a post mortem for each eliminated candidate called You’ve Been Fired? The FTSE 100 continues…

UK employment off the grid

UK employment off the grid

3 mins. to read

Some geezer has been pinged into space. Why should I care he’s from the UK, let alone be proud? Do I know him personally? No. Did I have anything to do with his training or the decision to send him into space? No. Did I contribute anything at all to the exercise? No. So should…

Oil at $35

Oil at $35

2 mins. to read

There are lots of platitudes in trading, just as there are in every field of human endeavour. One or two are useful, and probably absolute in practical terms. For example, “no price is too low to fall, or too high to rise”. That’s a useful piece of information. But many of them are just complete…

Twitter – the new Facebook

Twitter – the new Facebook

3 mins. to read

I’ve got a Twitter account. You might like to follow me on it: @Adrian_KC Historically I’ve not used it much because it’s fallen short of Facebook for discourse. You can’t make a proper qualified statement on Twitter because the 140th character is likely to be the comma before the qualification, which thus won’t exist. This…

Egypt & France – Markets after Terror Attacks

Egypt & France – Markets after Terror Attacks

2 mins. to read

I’ve heard some pretty prominent market commentators say some really dismissive and stupid things about Technical Analysis. Saying you can’t use a price chart to predict what’s going to happen to a price. Well you can, as I frequently demonstrate in these posts, and the fact that they don’t believe it is to our advantage.…

Make Solar Panel Components While the Sun Shines?

Make Solar Panel Components While the Sun Shines?

2 mins. to read

It’s an ill wind that makes you think “perhaps I should get solar before the government tariff ends”. Actually the tariff isn’t the main consideration, unless you’re likely to export 100% of your generated electricity (and perhaps not even then). It’s having a system where you need the power you generate that nets you more…

How to ‘Release’ Funds from Your Pensions Legally!

How to ‘Release’ Funds from Your Pensions Legally!

2 mins. to read

There were stories some time ago about people being duped into so-called early release of funds from their pensions. The problem with that is the fees were exorbitant and there was somewhere between a contingency and a certainty that the tax relief given to the contributions would be demanded back by the revenue at some…

Themed Watchlist 3: Global Risk

Themed Watchlist 3: Global Risk

3 mins. to read

I’m building a themed watchlist based on information from the Met Office that the next two years will be the hottest on record. One thing we do know about warmer weather is it means more rain. I examined some areas we might want to look at for trading opportunities, and in the second piece on…

Negative Equities: Rolls Royce, FirstGroup

Negative Equities: Rolls Royce, FirstGroup

2 mins. to read

I often have a look at the FT to see what’s good for a story. I can’t help noticing today that the number of negative stories far outweighs the positive ones. Top of the list today is Rolls Royce plc (RR.). Now I’ve written a few times about the profit warnings they’ve issued over recent…