Economics & Markets

What can we expect from 2016?

What can we expect from 2016?

13 mins. to read

As seen in the January edition of Master Investor Magazine. We’re now at the beginning of the year: a time when investors, analysts, journalists, and politicians make a series of predictions for the year to come. Most of them will prove wrong, as the many interactions between all the variables involved make it impossible for…

Is now the time to buy European equities?

Is now the time to buy European equities?

6 mins. to read

The ECB has kept its key rates and asset purchasing programme unchanged while Mario Draghi promised investors there’s more to come in the near future. A dovish Draghi is keeping investors entertained while buying him some time to convince the other committee members to extend the current asset purchase programme. If he doesn’t deliver there…

Inequality: Causes and Solutions

Inequality: Causes and Solutions

7 mins. to read

The latest data published by Oxfam show a worrying increase in income inequality during just the last few years. Many believe this to be the consequence of the free market, and in response raise arguments in favour of policy intervention. I myself believe public intervention to be the cause, not the solution, as the global…

Art Deco Economics

Art Deco Economics

6 mins. to read

The Chancellor talked of a new, unwelcome economic cocktail the other week. His message was to warn us that the contents may not be good for our economic health and his own budgetary predictions. It was all a bit like an Agatha Christie ‘who dunnit?!’ Now trimmer and more elegant-looking (as a result of fasting…

Portfolio Positioning for 2016

Portfolio Positioning for 2016

7 mins. to read

As seen in the January edition of Master Investor Magazine. “My global outlook for 2016 is for broadly steady but slow growth – the new normal – but a nervous and skittish market over-reacting to news flow. My biggest threat for this year is a positive upside economic surprise – stronger than expected US growth!…

2016: The Year of Living Dangerously

2016: The Year of Living Dangerously

20 mins. to read

As seen in the January edition of Master Investor Magazine.  2016, The Year of the Monkey, will be a capricious, unusually nervous year, full of danger and foreboding, not just confined to the financial markets. As ever, nothing is foretold, and no outcome is inevitable. Most people have little concept of how much their lives…

Ground Control to Major Doom

Ground Control to Major Doom

4 mins. to read

Master Investor was given permission to re-publish this missive from Alan Steel of Alan Steel Asset Management. Alan will be speaking at Master Investor 2016 in what (judging from this article) promises to be a standout performance. Click HERE to book your complimentary free tickets using the discount code “MI2016”.  “Under Pressure?  Pressure pushing down…

As goes January, so goes the rest of the year…

As goes January, so goes the rest of the year…

7 mins. to read

There are many sayings in the financial markets regarding calendar effects. Some say “sell in May and go away”; others say “as goes January, so goes the rest of the year”. Both sayings are based on persistent performance anomalies that were uncovered by traders and confirmed by researchers. Today I’m going to test another calendar…

Inscrutability behind the Great Wall of China

Inscrutability behind the Great Wall of China

4 mins. to read

One should always listen to stock markets; they can tell you things. But in the case of Chinese stock markets it is different. If one thing remains the same in this changing world, it appears to be that things Chinese remain inscrutable to Western eyes. The Chinese stock market collapses, but the empirical evidence for…