Filipe R Costa

Big In Japan

Big In Japan

9 mins. to read

As seen in this month’s issue of Master Investor Magazine. “With the strength of my entire cabinet, I will implement bold monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy that encourages private investment, and with these three policy pillars, achieve results” ― Shinzo Abe, 2012 16th December, 2012 It was the night of December…

UK Sentiment Is Born in the USA

UK Sentiment Is Born in the USA

6 mins. to read

For the last few decades, much has been debated regarding the importance of psychology in the equity markets, more precisely in the formation of prices. As I have claimed many times before, not even with a grain of salt can one accept the idea of investors being rational and markets efficient. Many academic studies show…

Measuring Investment Performance

Measuring Investment Performance

10 mins. to read

The Risk-Reward World Investment is all about risk and return. Risk-averse investors want to maximise return for incurring a given level of risk or, put another way, minimise risk incurred for a given level of return. Everything gravitates around the risk-return trade-off, and professional investors and academics have devised ways of measuring this trade-off to…

It Still Pays to Invest in Europe

It Still Pays to Invest in Europe

4 mins. to read

At a time when the S&P 500 is celebrating a six-year rally, which has seen it clock up gains of more than 180% since its 2009 low, it is understandable that investors should start to ask when this bull run will run out of steam. While economic improvement has been substantial since the financial crisis,…

Desperate Measures in China

Desperate Measures in China

2 mins. to read

The Chinese saga is only getting started, as the country surprises the markets with ever more desperate measures. After spending almost $150 billion trying to contain a stock market collapse and declaring short selling as “malicious”, China is now devaluing its currency by the most in 20 years, as exports dropped 8.3% in July. While…

Pension Deficits Will Turn Around

Pension Deficits Will Turn Around

6 mins. to read

It may be an exaggeration to claim that the current pension deficits of UK companies are entirely the result of the monetary policy action followed by the BoE, but it is not that far from the truth. In March 2011 the total deficit on the books of FTSE 350 companies was £20 billion. One year…

BoE Delays Rate Rise but Time Is Running Out

BoE Delays Rate Rise but Time Is Running Out

7 mins. to read

In its first triple release, dubbed “Super Thursday” – a triple bill of data comprising the MPC monetary policy decision, the minutes from the decision and the inflation report – the Bank of England kept its main interest rate unchanged at 0.5pc. While the decision was widely expected, there are a few points that are…

Using the 52-Week High To Build a Momentum Strategy

Using the 52-Week High To Build a Momentum Strategy

8 mins. to read

Unlike what Eugene Fama and other efficient markets supporters seem to believe, investors are human, endowed with limited rationality and scarce resources. The human brain just can’t process all financial information that is available in the market at all times, because its capacity is limited. Investors must make investment decisions with incomplete information and there…

Emerging Markets Crisis?

Emerging Markets Crisis?

8 mins. to read

While everyone is concentrating in Greece and the actions taken by the US Federal Reserve, Emerging Markets are collapsing silently. The cracks in the developing economies are deeper than most realise and the risk of a 1997-like currency crisis may catch many by surprise in a not-so-distant future. Instead of achieving a strong financial position,…

Declines In Chinese Stocks Are Just the Beginning

Declines In Chinese Stocks Are Just the Beginning

6 mins. to read

Eugene Fama has spent his life collecting evidence and theorising markets’ rationality. He believes that even if there are some naive investors in the market, who just trade for the sake of it, there is at least one group of informed investors that will drive prices to fundamental values and eliminate any price distortions. Under…