
Why Donald Trump could be great for the global economy

Why Donald Trump could be great for the global economy

4 mins. to read

Building a wall? A ban on Muslims entering the US? Mass deportation of illegal immigrants? Anyone assessing some of Donald Trump’s more outlandish policies might appear well justified in coming to the conclusion that the 45th President of the United States is set be an economic disaster. But it would be a mistake for investors…

Central Asia Metals (CAML): Small-cap copper play of choice?

Central Asia Metals (CAML): Small-cap copper play of choice?

1 mins. to read

Rather like the stock market analogy of profits warnings coming in threes, there is the situation where one capitulates on a stock or market just before the great turnaround arrives. This may ring true with copper – and hence miners in this area. The price of copper and the share price of Central Asia Metals…

The pound will rebound

The pound will rebound

1 mins. to read

To prove that Wall Street is an early omen of movements still to come in GNP, commentators quote economic studies alleging that market downturns predicted four out of the last five recessions. That is an understatement. Wall Street indexes predicted nine out of the last five recessions! And its mistakes were beauties. – Paul Samuelson…

God help me

God help me

1 mins. to read

Every time the doorbell goes I fear that it is a courier-sped P45 from the chairman. For I it was who urged him to put £100,000 (I do not know whether he took this advice – after all, he may be wise) on Clinton at around 4/9. Worse, I asked three people whom I respect…

M&S lacks appeal as inflation edges higher

M&S lacks appeal as inflation edges higher

5 mins. to read

In recent years, we have become used to a low level of inflation. However, since the EU referendum the economic landscape has changed and a higher level of inflation is likely in future years. In fact, since the referendum, inflation has risen from 0.3% to 1% and the Bank of England now forecasts that it…

Patagonia Gold: Technical target points towards 5p

Patagonia Gold: Technical target points towards 5p

1 mins. to read

We have seen an interesting divergence between the initial strength of gold in the wake of the Trump victory, and the mark-up maintained by many of the leading gold proxies like Patagonia Gold (LON:PGD). It would appear that there has been an embarrassment of riches in terms of the recent news flow served up by…

How I intend to ride out the perfect storm in the markets

How I intend to ride out the perfect storm in the markets

1 mins. to read

Right now, there is very little anyone is (and can be) certain about in the markets. We’ve got a perfect storm of global uncertainty about to come to a climax, and holders of pretty much every available asset, financial or otherwise, are wondering if their allocation is the right one. Perhaps more importantly, this uncertainty…

Trump: The silent majority bites back

Trump: The silent majority bites back

7 mins. to read

It’s déjà vu – all over again The great American people have spoken. And the opinion polls were wrong. Again. Those beautiful bellwether states of Ohio, Florida and Georgia called for Mr Trump who is, this morning, the President-Elect of the United States. All over the world “experts”, liberals and lefties are swooning in disbelief,…

Metal Tiger (MTR): Back in business for the bulls

Metal Tiger (MTR): Back in business for the bulls

1 mins. to read

After some months in the wilderness it would appear from a technical perspective that shares of stock market darling Metal Tiger are back in business for the bulls. What has been interesting regarding the sentiment surrounding Metal Tiger is that even though the stock has pulled back from 6p-plus at the beginning of April to…