Economics & Markets

Things I Think You Ought to Know

Things I Think You Ought to Know

6 mins. to read

Asian Stars Malaysia’s Hap Seng Consolidated Berhad (KLSE:HAPSENG), a property, plantations and buildings material conglomerate, has managed to quadruple its share price in the last three years and is up 55 percent over the last twelve months – despite a modest decline in the Kuala Lumpur index[i]. It has managed to double after-tax profits despite…

Jim Mellon Urges Voters to “Wake Up” and Leave EU

Jim Mellon Urges Voters to “Wake Up” and Leave EU

0 mins. to read

Entrepreneur, fund manager, author, economist and star Master Investor contributor Jim Mellon has urged UK voters to “wake up” and leave the sinking ship that is the European Union in the referendum on 23rd June. Jim pointed to the economies of France and Italy, both of which are mired in debt traps, as the “key…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

6 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine It’s hard to believe that the year is almost half way over. There is definitely an acceleration in time as you get older; I feel my life careening towards its ultimate destination  – but then I am cheered by the realisation that I have a…

A Universal Basic Income Would Destroy Our Economy

A Universal Basic Income Would Destroy Our Economy

5 mins. to read

At first it was about the return on capital and now it is about the return on labour. One at a time, the main incentives that keep a market-based economy oiled are being wrecked. Central banks have already eliminated interest rates, discouraging saving; now governments want to introduce a universal basic income, which will discourage…

Why Iceland is Making a Mockery of the Eurozone

Why Iceland is Making a Mockery of the Eurozone

6 mins. to read

The financial crisis of 2007-2009 should be renamed the financial crisis of 2007-(?) when it comes to the Eurozone. Eight years after the peak of the crisis, the region is still drowning in debt, plagued by deflation, hobbled by a weak banking sector (headed by a big, fat central bank), and submerged in weak economic…

Postcard from Yerevan: Observations from Armenia

Postcard from Yerevan: Observations from Armenia

4 mins. to read

The mountain glowers down upon the city. A brooding presence, you cannot escape it: Mount Ararat. It’s the place where Noah’s Ark came to rest when the Great Flood subsided. Or so I was taught in primary school. But this mountain, although the symbol of Armenia, is located in another country, on the other side…

The One Asset Class That Looks Cheap Right Now

The One Asset Class That Looks Cheap Right Now

7 mins. to read

Global gyrations During the last decade we have played witness to massive capital movements around the world. Money has flowed from developed countries towards emerging markets, just to flow back in the opposite direction at a later date. While lifting barriers to capital movement has helped intensify global trade and accelerate the development process of…

A June Rate Hike at the FED?

A June Rate Hike at the FED?

7 mins. to read

Over the last week much ink has been spent in trying to pinpoint the Fed’s next policy moves from a meticulous analysis of April’s FOMC Minutes. But such a precision exercise seems redundant now because, only one week after the Minutes were released, the FED has already cast doubt over everything. Policymakers have been tweaking…

How to Play the Bounce in the Aussie

How to Play the Bounce in the Aussie

5 mins. to read

The Australian economy has been hit hard by a global decline in the demand for commodities, a fierce currency war between major central banks, and the false prospects of interest rate hikes in the US. Reflecting these deteriorating conditions, the Aussie declined from 1.10 against the US dollar in 2011 to 0.70 in 2015. But,…

Turkey’s Future Affects Us All

Turkey’s Future Affects Us All

20 mins. to read

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine Turkey is now a key regional player with a dynamic economy but it sits on intersecting geopolitical fault lines. An ancient rivalry could trigger an earthquake. Writing in The Spectator recently, Charles Moore, that veteran commentator and author of the magisterial authorised biography of Margaret…