Economics & Markets

Rates up, populism down

Rates up, populism down

7 mins. to read

Last week we witnessed some interesting global developments that will pave the way forward: populism was somewhat defeated in the Netherlands, the FED hiked its key rate by another 25 basis points, an ECB official hinted at policy normalisation, and the BoE appeared more hawkish than many expected. After more than a decade of sluggish…

The week when nothing happened

The week when nothing happened

9 mins. to read

Okay, a few things did happen. But my point is that the major government bond markets and the US Dollar-Euro-Sterling exchange rates hardly shifted, and the heavyweight bourses cruised higher in a week when we were all braced for turbulence. Article 50; IndyRef2; the Dutch elections; the indictment of Monsieur Fillon; a new Trump travel…

One and a half cheers for “Spreadsheet Phil”

One and a half cheers for “Spreadsheet Phil”

12 mins. to read

Mr Hammond’s first and last spring budget was a cosh delivered to the growing army of the self-employed (white van drivers to barristers) and micro-company directors (interior designers to marketing consultants), concealed in a velvet glove of fiscal reassurance. The good news is that the British economy is still relatively dynamic relative to its peers;…

Prepare for wealth taxes in the UK

Prepare for wealth taxes in the UK

11 mins. to read

Governments in future will be obliged to move from taxing income to taxing assets, not least in the UK. Readers with net worth equal to the value of a nice South London semi should prepare themselves for stiff wealth taxes – particularly on property – within the next five years. Especially if the Tories regain…

It’s time for the ECB to turn hawkish

It’s time for the ECB to turn hawkish

5 mins. to read

The tone used by the US Federal Reserve to express its attitude towards monetary policy has changed significantly since last December. With the US economy operating near full employment, the emergency stance that guided Ben Bernanke into unchartered territory has now been completely replaced by a more hawkish stance, where the doom and gloom has…

Can Brazilian stocks continue to rally?

Can Brazilian stocks continue to rally?

6 mins. to read

After three years of subdued performance, there are once again signs of life for Emerging Market equities, including Brazil. By the end of 2015, the main Brazilian stock market, the Bovespa, had seen five years of annual negative performance – the longest in dollar terms since 1983 – as the index became a lightning rod…

The strange case of the Swedish taxpayer

The strange case of the Swedish taxpayer

5 mins. to read

In general, taxpayers try to minimise their contributions to the government budget, either by optimising their tax rate or through trying to delay payments wherever they can. But something strange seems to be happening in Sweden. The country seems to have been gripped by some form of mania that has led the taxpayer to overpay…

Downfall: Mr Juncker in his Bunker

Downfall: Mr Juncker in his Bunker

5 mins. to read

In his final days as ruthless EU dictator, the Leader made a series of cataclysmic blunders, based largely on a misreading of the strategic situation. These led to his inevitable downfall[i]. “Mein Führer. The Russian delicatessen chain, Azbuka Vkusa, has breached the gates of Berlin. They are bearing down on our Aldi and Lidl divisions.…

“Populism” and the Age of Disruption
Windover Way Photography /

“Populism” and the Age of Disruption

13 mins. to read

The future of politics This week I want to talk politics without getting (party) political. Like many others, as an analyst and investor, post-Brexit and Trump, and with Marine Le Pen likely to win the first round in the French presidential election on 23 April, I have been trying to figure out what it all…