Adrian Kempton-Cumber

No Cause For Hope

No Cause For Hope

3 mins. to read

Apparently people used to hedge against inflation with Pork Bellies futures. They’re no longer traded, some may say as a part of some imagined Zionist banking conspiracy, but that seems doubtful! If you believe the government then there is no inflation any more. Perhaps that’s why – there are no pork bellies futures any more,…

Is the Dow Jones Rolling Over?

Is the Dow Jones Rolling Over?

3 mins. to read

I wrote about the US market on 7th July and the subject perhaps deserves revisiting now. The Dow Jones has developed an interesting pattern. It’s basically ‘rolling over’. I’ve marked the rolling on the chart in black. Remember it’s been six years of rising prices now, and although the US economy still appears one of…

Will the IAG (aka British Airways) ascent continue?

Will the IAG (aka British Airways) ascent continue?

3 mins. to read

The airline industry should be having a bit of a golden age just now with oil prices so low. This represents a massive windfall, seemingly, on one of their biggest running costs. I used to work for BA and the view inside certainly, and outside usually, is that it’s a superior airline that is a…

The Future Is Bright: The Future Is Red

The Future Is Bright: The Future Is Red

3 mins. to read

I was talking to a friend about mortgage rates the other day and they were wondering what would happen to interest rates. The short answer is the same as it is in the US. So how likely is it that US interest rates will rise? Increasingly likely I would say. Which in turn would lead…

A Wunch of Bankers and TV Winners

A Wunch of Bankers and TV Winners

3 mins. to read

Two profit announcements today that are quite interesting… First off: Barclays (BARC). I wrote about banks in my blog of July 16th. Barclays did reasonably well out of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. They picked up Lehman assets for a song and sold them in the last reporting period, making almost £500 million profit. The…

Cops and Robbers? No, Just Robbers

Cops and Robbers? No, Just Robbers

3 mins. to read

If you want to know the time, ask a policeman. Don’t bother asking them to attend a burglary though, if plans go ahead to stop attending them. Apparently it’s part of an effort to ‘prioritise’. It’s an interesting move at a time when clearly Osborne’s budget has reduced the income of many quite sharply. I…

Profit Warnings = Market Warnings

Profit Warnings = Market Warnings

3 mins. to read

You may not know that profit warnings have hit a 6-year high in the UK. Of course, some companies blame exchange rates, others low oil prices, but I think it’s something else. The list of companies is diverse and tends to imply a more structural problem. Balfour Beatty I mentioned the other week in a…

House of (Credit) Cards

House of (Credit) Cards

2 mins. to read

I’ve said before that the only reason we’ve appeared not to have a recession in London and the South is because foreign money has parked itself here as a safe haven. I mentioned property in particular before, but in case you didn’t know more than half the stocks listed here in London are owned overseas.…

Place Your Bets

Place Your Bets

2 mins. to read

I used to play online poker quite a lot. Actually there are a lot of similarities between trading/investing and poker. You have to maintain your capital, there’s a cost of being in the game and if you’re going to win you have to try to take a stand with something which has a good chance…