
How to use this common market indicator to your advantage

How to use this common market indicator to your advantage

1 mins. to read

One of the appeals – and drawbacks – to technical analysis for some are the many, many ways of analysing historical data on a chart. Before home computers and sophisticated investing software, many charts were either in paper format or on dedicated terminals, primarily used by City institutions. Now of course, you are only ever…

Pensions administration review

Pensions administration review

1 mins. to read

Pensions administration review: as most readers know the old age pension paid out by the state has a fundamental problem which is that there is a decreasing fund out of which to pay it. Accordingly, HM Government takes the view that since there is no point in leaving citizens to save for their old age…

Why big brands can equal big returns

Why big brands can equal big returns

2 mins. to read

Developing a successful brand, or indeed a range of successful brands, is a key corporate goal for many businesses. Not only can a good quality brand deliver high margins and consistent cashflow, it can also help a company to create a valuable “economic moat”. This refers to the ability of a business to maintain a…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

5 mins. to read

What to write about this month? Victor Hill has already – and brilliantly – covered Catalonia, and I have banged on about Longevity long enough (pun intended). But the latest book (Juvenescence) is now  out – at last – and the launch party for journos, collaborators as well as  friends and family, at the Oxford…

3 steps to an early retirement

3 steps to an early retirement

1 mins. to read

I was recently interviewed about my life all the way back to when I was born. The goal was to find out anything that could have influenced my success as an independent financial advisor (IFA) helping thousands over the last forty odd years to aim for well-funded “want for nothing” retirements, early or otherwise. When…

It’s costing me right now

It’s costing me right now

1 mins. to read

The problem with trying to kill an idea, whether religious or political, is that the task is impossible. Hitler tried and failed and so also did Stalin. So what possesses the Madrid government to think it can thump the Catalans into submission goodness only knows. Needless to add, the EU commission sees its authority being…

Catalonia dreaming…

Catalonia dreaming…

13 mins. to read

What happens in Catalonia this Sunday could, even more than Brexit, cause massive headaches in Brussels… 2014 reimagined… Imagine, if you would, an alternative history of the events in the UK in 2014. The Scottish Parliament votes to hold a referendum on Scotland’s independence from the UK. The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, condemns such…

Are alternative investments the perfect complement to shares?

Are alternative investments the perfect complement to shares?

2 mins. to read

While shares generally make up the bulk of most people’s investment portfolios, some investors may be tempted by alternative assets. They could include items such as rare stamps, classic cars or fine wines, for example. As well as offering diversity, such assets could deliver high returns in the long run. For example, over the last…

Dyson to electrify the West Country

Dyson to electrify the West Country

1 mins. to read

Dyson to electrify the West Country: I think Sir James Dyson’s intervention in the electric car market is very telling. He is clearly very intelligent and the public believe in him. He could float Dyson vehicles right now. Of how many people could the same be said? Not many. He will have had the advantage…

Why you should make use of pensions and ISAs

Why you should make use of pensions and ISAs

2 mins. to read

The easiest way to improve your investment returns is to invest in a tax efficient account like a pension or ISA. These allow you to minimise your tax liabilities so that you get to keep more of the income and capital gains for yourself. If you are saving for retirement the best option is normally…