Master Investor becomes a DMA member

Master Investor Ltd., the UK investment media and events company, has been accepted as a full member of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), committing itself to the principles of responsible marketing. The DMA is the UK’s leading trade association for one-to-one marketers, offering its members access to exclusive research, legal advice and industry intelligence.
The DMA granted Master Investor full membership after a compliance assessment confirmed the company is working towards marketing best practice. Master Investor works in accordance to the DMA Code, embracing four key principles: respect privacy; be honest and fair; be diligent with data; and take responsibility.
Master Investor’s Head of Digital Marketing, Alexandra Mueller, commented: “Membership of the DMA is a badge of accreditation, so we are proud to be part of the community. The whole team at Master Investor has the opportunity to benefit from the insight, knowledge and support the DMA has to offer. We look forward to working to the principles of the DMA Code and putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. This will, in turn, maximise results for our exhibitors, sponsors, and advertisers.”
For further information contact the DMA Press Office:
Ed Owen, PR & Content Manager
T: 020 7291 3324
Tim Bond, Group Head of PR
T: 020 7291 3328
About the DMA
The DMA is a UK trade association for the one-to-one marketing industry – those companies that speak directly to their customers and those companies that help them achieve this. The DMA provides best-practice guidelines and legal services for its members, who are typically marketing, advertising and data-driven organisations.
More than 1,000 companies in the UK are DMA members. The DMA also holds industry events, conducts research and publishes reports, lobbies for legislation to support its members’ business practices and has a close working relationship with the Information Commissioner’s Office. All DMA members must comply with the DMA code, which is available to read here:
About Master Investor Ltd.
Master Investor Ltd. is an investment media and events company that delivers independent, financial commentary and analysis to UK private investors and traders. The company operates the yearly Master Investor Show, an event introducing its 5000+ private investor audience to companies they can invest into. It offers its clients the opportunity to generate leads to an audience with significant investable funds.
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