Economics & Markets

The Problem with the Anti-Corruption Movement?

The Problem with the Anti-Corruption Movement?

7 mins. to read

…Corruption is Endemic! One thing we have learned this week: when you are making small-talk with Her Majesty about weighty issues like global corruption, it’s best not to make bland generalising assertions like: Nigeria and Afghanistan are fantastically corrupt. Much better to make the assertion at one remove by quoting a trusted third party. So:…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

6 mins. to read

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine I’m writing this on American Airlines flight from LAX to London; and the amazing thing is, I will be sending it by email from the plane to the Editor of this magazine in about an hour or so.  There has been internet on US domestic…

Alice in Wonderland Economics Leads Us towards Gold

Alice in Wonderland Economics Leads Us towards Gold

7 mins. to read

As I have been telling anyone that I can buttonhole at drinks parties for some time, we are living in the age of Alice in Wonderland Economics. Alice in Wonderland Economics is the weird world where investors, such as pension funds, pay to lend to governments which are crippled by debt. (Germany, Japan, Denmark and…

The Trumpification of the US Economy

The Trumpification of the US Economy

6 mins. to read

Over the last few months we have witnessed a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses to determine which candidates will represent the Democratic and Republican parties (among others) in the final stages of the US presidential race. The last few months have been not only a time for reflection about economic, political and social…

President Trump

President Trump

6 mins. to read

In the words of Bob Dylan, ‘the times, they are a changing’ Sitting through Donald Trump’s speech after the results of the Indiana Primary, which saw the withdrawal of Ted Cruz (who, like someone else, also has eyes like Caligula) and the triumph of Donald Trump himself, I pondered how the world had changed and…

One Step Closer to a Cash Ban in Europe

One Step Closer to a Cash Ban in Europe

5 mins. to read

So, they finally mustered the courage to do it! The €500 note will no longer be produced in the Eurozone, in order to “fight illegal activities and terrorism”, the ECB claims. But, behind that false moralising lies a bigger plan to scrap cash and force people to depend ever more on banks for their money.…

The US Economy Is Slowing… Again

The US Economy Is Slowing… Again

5 mins. to read

I feel sorry for Janet Yellen, I really do. Since coming to office as chairman of the FED in 2014 she has been unable to do what she knows must be done: hike interest rates. But her predecessor Ben Bernanke flooded the market with so much money and pushed interest rates so low that every…

ISDX: Challenging the Status Quo

ISDX: Challenging the Status Quo

7 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine. An Interview with Patrick Birley, CEO of ISDX Swen Lorenz: Patrick, you run the ISDX, which when spelled out stands for ICAP Securities and Derivatives Exchange. In a nutshell, what does ISDX do? Patrick Birley: We are a fully regulated UK based stock exchange offering…