Filipe R Costa

Bond Mini Crash Uncovers Rising Risks

Bond Mini Crash Uncovers Rising Risks

4 mins. to read

In my blog Don’t Fight The Fed, Fight The ECB, published last week, I said that investors face an epic opportunity to short bonds, as the risks of doing so are very narrow while the upside potential is huge. Buying an asset just because you believe someone else will buy it from you at a…

Follow Bernanke, Not Me

Follow Bernanke, Not Me

5 mins. to read

An Opinion Worth Millions Whoever thought Ben Bernanke’s golden age was terminated on 1st February, 2014, with the end of his tenure as chairman of the US Federal Reserve, was just plain wrong. The ex-chairman has been on a tight and busy schedule for the past year, travelling from town to town, disseminating his wisdom…

UK General Election: Whoever Wins, Britain Loses

UK General Election: Whoever Wins, Britain Loses

10 mins. to read

The Election Day Is Nearing… Five years have passed since the last General Election and the UK is preparing for a new one. All parties involved are now aggressively marketing their political plans with each of them greatly amplifying its strengths while trying to cloak its weaknesses. The fight will be fierce and eventually extend…

Don’t Fight the Fed, Fight the ECB

Don’t Fight the Fed, Fight the ECB

8 mins. to read

While central bankers look tranquil and trustworthy on their television appearances, giving investors reassurances that a brighter future is just around the corner and praising their timely and bold policy actions, there is a growing number of other professionals that still raise questions about the real effectiveness of such action and that are not at…

Ben Bernanke and the Taylor Rule

Ben Bernanke and the Taylor Rule

8 mins. to read

The problem with central banks is that they initially wanted to be independent from us but now they want us to be dependent on them. Many years ago, there was a time when economic policy was part of a government’s list of affairs, with both fiscal and monetary policy being part of it. But, for…

Get Ready for an Emerging Markets Crisis

Get Ready for an Emerging Markets Crisis

9 mins. to read

Featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. Planting the Seeds The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is often seen as one of the worst ever crises faced by the US economy. The capitalisation of the S&P 500 was halved, the unemployment rate was doubled, and the Federal Reserve had to go out of bounds in rescuing…

Fund Manager in Focus – Leda Braga

Fund Manager in Focus – Leda Braga

8 mins. to read

Featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. On 22nd February, Patricia Arquette came to the stage of the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood to be awarded the Oscar for the Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for her superb performance in Boyhood. But while her award did not take many of us by…

From Naked Arbitrage To Emerging Markets Crisis

From Naked Arbitrage To Emerging Markets Crisis

7 mins. to read

One of the most important concepts in modern finance – and one that I always insist my students master – is that of arbitrage. Unlike speculators (or investors) who seek risks for the sake of netting a profit, arbitrageurs don’t take any risks for the same sake. They exploit differences in prices for similar financial…

Towards A New Monetary System

Towards A New Monetary System

7 mins. to read

While the US Federal Reserve and the ECB have been busily adopting counter-cyclical measures aimed at stabilising economic growth and price increases, commercial banks have been at the other extreme, always frustrating such measures and acting pro-cyclically. The Fractional Reserve system that allows for faster credit creation than the economy can absorb is the main…

Get Ready for an Emerging Markets Crisis

Get Ready for an Emerging Markets Crisis

8 mins. to read

Planting the Seeds The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is often seen as one of the worst ever crises faced by the US economy. The capitalisation of the S&P 500 was halved, the unemployment rate was doubled, and the Federal Reserve had to go out of bounds in rescuing the economy to avoid the collapse of…