Evil Diaries: Oil Over The Place

The DTel have been running a campaign to get Sunak ousted. I have no idea why – Sunak has a very difficult hand to play and it seems to me that he has not yet made a mistake. However, this morning Tim Stanley insists that Sunak call a general election right now. Only he finishes by declaring that his, Tim’s, assessment might be wrong. This is what happens when journos are deputed to advance an editor’s wishes.
Jersey Oil and Gas (JOG) seems to be coming along. So why it stands at 180p, down slightly on Friday’s close and after today’s RNS I do not know.
Similarly, Chariot (CHAR) announce encouragingly today and is well offered at 9p. Strange.
At close of play in Hyderabad on Saturday England were 25/1 to win. I turned it down. But actually it was priced on the basis that England could not possibly win. I know better now.
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