Funds and Investment Trusts

Impressive Returns from Phoenix Spree Deutschland

Impressive Returns from Phoenix Spree Deutschland

2 mins. to read

Last July I wrote about a closed-ended German residential property fund that had just listed in London. Unlike most of its UK focused alternatives, Phoenix Spree Deutschland (PSDL) was not trading at a massive premium to NAV and was well placed to benefit from the fact that European interest rates were expected to stay lower…

The Best Investment Companies for Income Drawdown

The Best Investment Companies for Income Drawdown

7 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine. The new pension freedoms that were introduced in April 2015 have been widely welcomed with one of the most popular features being income drawdown. According to data from the Association of British Insurers, 43,800 people invested a total of £2.85bn in these plans in the…

A Successful Blend: Witan Investment Trust

A Successful Blend: Witan Investment Trust

3 mins. to read

A multi-manager fund that allocates its money to a number of specialist, external managers has the potential to deliver consistent outperformance while diversifying more of the risk. The trick is to appoint the right combination of people and mandates so that you don’t accidentally end up with an expensive closet tracker. A good example of…

David versus Goliath: Ardevora UK Income

David versus Goliath: Ardevora UK Income

2 mins. to read

The UK Equity Income sector is home to a number of multi-billion pound funds, but it is a relative minnow that is generating some of the strongest returns. Ardevora UK Income has just £222m in assets under management, yet it is the third-best performer over five years with a gain of 76.3% and also has…

Is It Time for Value Funds to Outperform?

Is It Time for Value Funds to Outperform?

3 mins. to read

Views differ as to whether it is better to be a value or a growth investor, but over the last few months there has only been one winner. Since the start of 2015 the FTSE 350 Lower Yield (growth) index has risen by about 1%, whereas its value based counterpart, the FTSE 350 Higher Yield…

Earn a 5.3% tax-free yield from your ISA

Earn a 5.3% tax-free yield from your ISA

2 mins. to read

The Royal London Short Duration Global High Yield Bond Fund These are difficult times for income investors, but it is still possible to earn a decent yield if you know where to look. A good example is the Royal London Short Duration Global High Yield Bond fund. This £314m OEIC has carved out a niche…

Safety First: The Ruffer Investment Company (RICA)

Safety First: The Ruffer Investment Company (RICA)

2 mins. to read

The recent market volatility has vividly highlighted the risks associated with mainstream equity funds. In the first few weeks of the year the FTSE 100 index lost more than 9% of its value and although it has since recovered not everyone is comfortable with these sorts of fluctuations in their wealth. Risk averse investors who…