Economics & Markets

Rising Bond Yields Open Cracks In Emerging Markets

Rising Bond Yields Open Cracks In Emerging Markets

7 mins. to read

One of the most boring realities observed in the financial world is the tendency for reversion. When the price of an asset explodes, it later tends to shrink; when central banks cut their key interest rates, they later tend to hike them; when banks advance too much credit, they later tend to shrink it. The…

The BoE Is Walking A Thin Line

The BoE Is Walking A Thin Line

7 mins. to read

With the British economy now growing at an unspectacular but still decent pace, it is time to finally let it stand on its own. The support given by the Bank of England with near zero interest rates and asset purchases totalling £375 billion should be near an end, as the central bank is walking an…

Are Hedge Funds “Bond-Like” Investments?

Are Hedge Funds “Bond-Like” Investments?

5 mins. to read

In 2008 Warren Buffet made a big bet against hedge funds. He claimed that an investor would be better off following a passive investment strategy by dumping his savings into a low cost index tracker than by handing them to a hedge fund that would actively manage the money for an expensive “two and twenty”…

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report featuring Intercontinental Hotels, Energy Companies, Housebuilders and Numis Corporation

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report featuring Intercontinental Hotels, Energy Companies, Housebuilders and Numis Corporation

2 mins. to read

The Conservative Party has won an overall majority with 331 seats in the House of Commons. Whilst sterling and UK equities had a good day, analysts are already beginning to warn of future troubles including the promised referendum on EU membership and the costs of a potential exit. Overall views were positive and there was…

Bond Mini Crash Uncovers Rising Risks

Bond Mini Crash Uncovers Rising Risks

4 mins. to read

In my blog Don’t Fight The Fed, Fight The ECB, published last week, I said that investors face an epic opportunity to short bonds, as the risks of doing so are very narrow while the upside potential is huge. Buying an asset just because you believe someone else will buy it from you at a…

Follow Bernanke, Not Me

Follow Bernanke, Not Me

5 mins. to read

An Opinion Worth Millions Whoever thought Ben Bernanke’s golden age was terminated on 1st February, 2014, with the end of his tenure as chairman of the US Federal Reserve, was just plain wrong. The ex-chairman has been on a tight and busy schedule for the past year, travelling from town to town, disseminating his wisdom…