Economics & Markets

Postcard from Tirana

Postcard from Tirana

6 mins. to read

So, Swen, ever well intentioned, sends me down here to check out the Albanian stock market and I turn up in Skanderbeg Square, white shirt, sober tie, notebook in hand – only find that it was closed down last year. Mind you, there were only about nine stocks quoted, mostly local retail banks. Apparently, it…

European Banks: Please Assemble at the Muster Station

European Banks: Please Assemble at the Muster Station

19 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine.  We really do hate to interrupt your cruise. But there’s a rumour that a keen-eyed crewman on the bridge has spotted an iceberg. No, it’s worse than that, actually. Some of the crew are whispering that we’ve already hit an iceberg. But it’s just a…

Ukrainian Blues

Ukrainian Blues

4 mins. to read

The last time I was in Ukraine with the World Bank (February 2012) I had my fifteen seconds of fame when a news anchor swung a mike in front of my gob at a seminar. It was in the snow-laden city of Lviv. I had just descended from a platform where I had addressed the…

The Budget Part II

The Budget Part II

5 mins. to read

Our world seems to be speeding up and getting less coherent. Probably it was always incoherent, but we were once led to believe that it was generally in good order and fit for purpose, to use the words of the urbane ‘home counties’ villain in the BBC’s Sunday night thriller The Night Manager. For example,…

Front-Running the ECB

Front-Running the ECB

5 mins. to read

Less than one week after the ECB signalled it would start purchasing investment-grade corporate bonds, bond issues are already going through the roof, as everyone is trying to front-run the ECB. From risk-free loans (through open market operations) to corporate loans (through investment-grade bond purchases), the ECB has come a long way in expanding its…

We need to talk about George

We need to talk about George

5 mins. to read

Albion Cathedral School, 16 March 2016   Dear Parent,   We regret that George’s behaviour has been a cause for concern this term. This sixth former started out with great promise when he was appointed Cricket Club Treasurer. He assured us that he would reduce the overdraft by means of judicious economies, and that he…

The ECB Does It

The ECB Does It

5 mins. to read

There it is, European-QE, extended version, Part Two! Mario Draghi delighted investors yesterday with an extension of the current ECB asset purchase programme. Well…delighted them with the announcement, but as soon as he started speaking… It sometimes pays to keep your mouth shut. When the global economy is no longer able to provide enough magma…

Has the sell-off run its course?

Has the sell-off run its course?

7 mins. to read

Investing is not another science. It is not physics where actions can cause pre-determinable reactions. Some people would like to persuade you that it is; but they are wrong. If you wish to compare it to anything, it is more like tracking in a great wilderness of possibilities. There are fundamentals and market sentiment! Occasionally…