Economics & Markets

Diversifying through sports betting

Diversifying through sports betting

6 mins. to read

While an investor tries to maximise the expected returns of his portfolio, he always faces a formidable enemy – risk. In theory, if leverage has no limits, any level of expected return can be achieved. But risk is also expected to rise with it and make the burden of failure too great for an investor…

The New Big Idea – the Universal Basic Income

The New Big Idea – the Universal Basic Income

11 mins. to read

Suddenly, the idea that all citizens should be paid a basic income by the state is becoming topical across the world. While we associate this idea with the political left – the French Socialist Party candidate in the forthcoming presidential elections, Benoît Hamon, has made it the cornerstone of his programme – it also has…

The risks are piling up in 2017

The risks are piling up in 2017

1 mins. to read

2017 has only just begun, but it is already filled with a long queue of risky upcoming events, of which politics takes its fair share. Europe will face big challenges, as France and Germany both prepare for general elections, where they will face the growing strength of the far-right anti-European parties. While Marine Le Pen…

The death of narrative
Windover Way Photography /

The death of narrative

0 mins. to read

2016 incorporated many themes, but the one I would suggest is most pertinent to private investors could be called ‘the death of narrative’. To put it another way, whenever Groupthink encountered the prospect of a geopolitical sea change, it would turn out to be irretrievably wrong. Brexit couldn’t possibly happen – until it did. Trump…

The UK Government’s debt pit deepens

The UK Government’s debt pit deepens

6 mins. to read

Amidst the furore over the prospects of a hard Brexit and President Trump’s immigration policies, the dry subject of our national finances has been overlooked. So may I have your attention please? Last year the United Kingdom’s national debt increased by £251 million every day. Sobering news The latest news on UK public finances is…

Volatility is at record lows – but for how long?

Volatility is at record lows – but for how long?

5 mins. to read

Since Trump won the U.S. election, markets have been flying higher without pause for breath. The Dow, for example, is up 9.7% and recently broke the 20,000 barrier. Trump is probably one of the most eccentric presidents the U.S. has ever deigned to elect, and poses major risks to trade, multinationals, and the world order.…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

7 mins. to read

I made a speech a few days ago to a gathering of property entrepreneurs in London. I intended to speak of my excitement about the new science surrounding longevity – and I did – but I think had I not mentioned property I would have been lynched! So I improvised some thoughts on real estate,…

When Theresa met Donald
a katz /; Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

When Theresa met Donald

12 mins. to read

Suddenly everyone is talking trade deals – while TTP and probably TTIP bite the dust. Why does President Trump prefer bilateral trade deals to multilateral ones? What will the markets make of it all? And what happened when Theresa met Donald? Ciao TTP On 23 January President Trump signed an order to junk the Trans-Pacific…