Economics & Markets

Mellon on the Markets: On the road again

Mellon on the Markets: On the road again

7 mins. to read

Well, I’m on the road again. This time, I’m travelling around the US, in part researching for the new book, which I hope will be out in early May, but will definitely be featured in my talk at Master Investor 2017 on March 25th. The other part of the trip is to observe the US…

Hopes and fears for 2017

Hopes and fears for 2017

1 mins. to read

James Faulkner interviews Chris Darbyshire, Chief Investment Officer at Seven Investment Management. James Faulkner: Hi Chris. Thanks for taking the time to speak with Master Investor today. Could you kick off by giving our readers a brief summary of 7IM and its offering to clients, as well as an overview of your role at the…

Oil majors consider their future

Oil majors consider their future

8 mins. to read

A vertebra in the spinal column of the world economy is causing pain. As I write the price of Brent Crude is at US$59.99. According to the Knoema[i] website, the break-even oil price ranges from US$149.90 in Venezuela to US$60.50 in Qatar. So, on that basis, almost no one is making money in oil right…

There is too much optimism in oil markets

There is too much optimism in oil markets

5 mins. to read

While acknowledging the ‘Trump pump’ to the oil industry, I have always been sceptical about the long-term prospects for the industry because I believe prices are capped at a much lower level than they were ten years ago. Any excessive enthusiasm is doomed to revert to an even more extreme pessimism in ever shorter periods,…

Warning: Central banks to launch digital currencies…

Warning: Central banks to launch digital currencies…

11 mins. to read

The Illuminati are plotting… One of the themes I have returned to again and again over the last eighteen months has been how the priestly caste of the world’s central bankers, disproportionately drawn from the upper echelons of Goldman Sachs – a kind of mysterious, self-perpetuating, secretive elite which I (only half-jokingly) call the “Illuminati”…

Diversifying through sports betting

Diversifying through sports betting

6 mins. to read

While an investor tries to maximise the expected returns of his portfolio, he always faces a formidable enemy – risk. In theory, if leverage has no limits, any level of expected return can be achieved. But risk is also expected to rise with it and make the burden of failure too great for an investor…

The New Big Idea – the Universal Basic Income

The New Big Idea – the Universal Basic Income

11 mins. to read

Suddenly, the idea that all citizens should be paid a basic income by the state is becoming topical across the world. While we associate this idea with the political left – the French Socialist Party candidate in the forthcoming presidential elections, Benoît Hamon, has made it the cornerstone of his programme – it also has…

The risks are piling up in 2017

The risks are piling up in 2017

1 mins. to read

2017 has only just begun, but it is already filled with a long queue of risky upcoming events, of which politics takes its fair share. Europe will face big challenges, as France and Germany both prepare for general elections, where they will face the growing strength of the far-right anti-European parties. While Marine Le Pen…