Evil Knievil

The Evil Diaries: “Time to Wheel on the Tumbrels”

The Evil Diaries: “Time to Wheel on the Tumbrels”

2 mins. to read

Time to wheel on the tumbrels: We can stick the lead traitors such as Cameron and Carney in the back and cart them off to Tower Hill. But there is a long, long list of collaborators. Me? I’ll be a tricoteuse. Boris seems to be a certainty to emerge as the next prime minister but…

The Evil Diaries: Tesla and Churchill Mining

The Evil Diaries: Tesla and Churchill Mining

0 mins. to read

It took some time to get a proper attack of the wobbles but Tesla (TSLA) finally obliged last night closing down $25 at $192 after hours on the news of Tesla’s scheme to merge with Solar City (SCTY), another Musk promotion. Apparently, Musk’s argument is that the sort of people who buy Tesla motor cars…

The Evil Diaries: Churchill Mining and Circassia Pharma

The Evil Diaries: Churchill Mining and Circassia Pharma

1 mins. to read

I first encountered Jacob Rees-Mogg about fifteen years ago when he, his father and I were speakers at an investment conference. I reckoned Jacob was a bit of a prig. Then, about eighteen months ago, I saw him on Channel 4 speaking at a Bingo meeting of northern women. I thought his tone was condescending…

The Evil Diaries: Fevertree and Purplebricks

The Evil Diaries: Fevertree and Purplebricks

0 mins. to read

One of the weekend’s colour mags featured a photo of a lush valley somewhere and said to contain the quinine tree. The pic was taken by Tim Warrilow, one of the founders of Fevertree (FEVR) as illustration of something. As J D Salinger would have said this is pure horse. However, I foresee an extension…

The Evil Diaries: Mitie, Avesco and Watchstone

The Evil Diaries: Mitie, Avesco and Watchstone

1 mins. to read

Talk about furious paddling: not a day passes when Mitie (MTO) does not announce a further buy back of several hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of stock. I know they have been ever supportive (just why?) of bankers. But I cannot believe that anybody else is buying. Now 284p. But there is no buyback…

The Evil Diaries: Watchstone and Fevertree

The Evil Diaries: Watchstone and Fevertree

1 mins. to read

Dominic Chappell seems to me to have behaved criminally at BHS. It’ll be interesting to see if HMG gets round to doing anything. Further, Green seems to have found that BHS was a hopeless cause and, instead of putting it into insolvency procedures, sold all his shares to Chappell for £1. This is proof that…

The Evil Diaries: Petro Matad and Pantheon

The Evil Diaries: Petro Matad and Pantheon

1 mins. to read

It is daily becoming clearer that Cameron has made a colossal blunder since even if he wins the Brexit vote it is inevitable that the causes of discontent that underlie the Brexiteers’ stance will remain where Cameron and his chum Osborne have lied and lied to dismiss them. The inevitable effect must be to generate…

The Evil Diaries: “I hardly know where to begin”

The Evil Diaries: “I hardly know where to begin”

1 mins. to read

Well, I hardly know where to begin on the accounts to December 2015 published by Watchstone (WTG) today. But the first thing that stands out is that the North American investments, Hymex and ingenie, are not bust. Far from it – there is no mention whatsoever of any concerns on this front. What are they…

The Evil Diaries: Pets at Home, Petro Matad and Molins

The Evil Diaries: Pets at Home, Petro Matad and Molins

1 mins. to read

In recent weeks I have been delayed in being called to supper on Wednesday evenings such that I start watching on Channel 4 a vet, Noel Fitzpatrick, who has a substantial practice, styled Fitzpatrick Referrals, in Surrey. Surrey is not a poor county and therefore there are lots of pet owners who are well heeled.…