The Evil Diaries: Petro Matad and Pantheon

It is daily becoming clearer that Cameron has made a colossal blunder since even if he wins the Brexit vote it is inevitable that the causes of discontent that underlie the Brexiteers’ stance will remain where Cameron and his chum Osborne have lied and lied to dismiss them. The inevitable effect must be to generate more pressure to leave.
I bought Petro Matad (MATD) again – this time at 3p. I am not certain that this is a brilliant wheeze. But there is a price for everything and it is a reasonable bet that we might get up to 6p.
Pantheon (PANR) keeps pushing up despite having had to announce a brief delay. Quite obviously, things are going well and therefore this stock is unlikely to peak at 181p.
Yesterday, I experienced the intense pleasure of encountering a really intelligent 12 year old boy where I gave a three hour session on business – what can be done and how and why. It was personally hugely rewarding. I later learnt that the lad thought it was a worthwhile session too. Serendipity.
Finally, my wife got back from Glyndebourne half an hour after midnight. I thought that she had had to experience cramped seating at, say, £30 a pop. Au contraire, a ticket is £250 if you please. And the auditorium comprised 1,000 or so in comfortable seats. The opera was Die Meistersinger. I’d rename it Die Meistercashtill.
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