Evil Knievil

Capita looks vulnerable in the wake of Carillion’s collapse

Capita looks vulnerable in the wake of Carillion’s collapse

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At this stage nobody knows how much wreckage will emerge from the liquidation of Carillion (LON:CLLN). But far-sighted hedgies are looking at what could go on at Capita (LON:CPI). Here, at 397p, CPI is capitalised at £2,650 million as against tangible net liabilities of £3,200 million. This is too much of a gap and, were…

Carillion and Caribbean Investment Holdings

Carillion and Caribbean Investment Holdings

1 mins. to read

I was told perhaps nine years ago that Carillion’s (LON:CLLN) accounting was highly questionable. And by no means was I alone. The surprise is that it has taken so long for all this and its effect to emerge. I hope HMG’s lawyers have been sensible when entering into contract with CLLN to ensure HMG’s losses…

Evil Knievil: Here the FCA excels

Evil Knievil: Here the FCA excels

1 mins. to read

Hexed: Contrary to expectation on the part of the market, Mr Rollen of Hexagon AB was yesterday evening publicly found not guilty. The effect was an inevitable 5% rise in Hexagon AB’s share price this morning. However, this still leaves Hexagon AB a clear short above 400 Euros. The balance sheet is appalling and the…

Evil Knievil: The world needs palm oil and will pay

Evil Knievil: The world needs palm oil and will pay

0 mins. to read

I heard on the wireless that Mifid II contains 1.7 million paragraphs spread over 7,000 pages. HMRC has always proceeded on the basis that ignorance of the law is no excuse when in fact it is quite impossible for one man to know the law. Mifid II seems to be getting in on this act.…

Evil Knievil: My share for 2018

Evil Knievil: My share for 2018

1 mins. to read

The chairman drew me into increasing my gold long position just before the weekend. I couldn’t follow it over the weekend since, curiously, there is no price feed from the Far East. Goodness only knows why. There must be hundreds of thousands of Japanese and Chinese – to name just two lots – who would…

Evil Knievil: It is nonetheless money

Evil Knievil: It is nonetheless money

1 mins. to read

I hesitate to call Heseltine an idiot but he is certainly deceitful. He keeps going on about Brexit being a disaster when he must know that many Brexiteers so voted simply to allow us to govern ourselves – Britain has developed our preferred democratic system over this last 1000 years. It might have been different…

Evil Knievil: Easy money

Evil Knievil: Easy money

1 mins. to read

Easy money: Caribbean Investment (LON:CIHL) reported some stellar results this morning. They are not a fluke and can be taken as representative. EPS for the six months to 30th September 2017 is c. 6.8p. This can be doubled to go to the full year and means that at 20p to buy CIHL is on a…

A star is born

A star is born

1 mins. to read

A star is born: if you missed Georgia Toffolo (a.k.a. the Toff) on Andrew Neill’s politics show go back and look it up. She won I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Not only is she attractive (very and with good legs) she is astute and clever. She is a natural Conservative by disposition…

Heaven defined

Heaven defined

1 mins. to read

I think that one of the essential rules of showbiz is that one should leave them wanting more. On this basis, Henry Blofeld’s session this week reading his book, Over and Out, on BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week slot and which finished today deploys the very showbiz rule earlier adduced. The entire presentation…

Evil Knievil: Taking a profit on Ladbrokes Coral

Evil Knievil: Taking a profit on Ladbrokes Coral

1 mins. to read

The bid for Ladbrokes Coral (LON:LCL) has arrived. What surprises me is that it is tabled before HMG opines on FOBT maximum stakes – this is expected by the end of January 2018. I am taking a profit. ***** Steinhoff (ETR:SNH) has duly collapsed on the announcement that its CEO is going and PwC has…