Funds and Investment Trusts

The dangers of drawdown: BlackRock Income Strategies

The dangers of drawdown: BlackRock Income Strategies

2 mins. to read

The new pension freedoms introduced on 6th April 2015 gave people more flexibility over how they access their retirement savings. One of the most popular options has been income drawdown, which is where you leave your money invested and take an income from the portfolio. Since the change in the rules more than 120,000 retirees…

The ageing gunslinger rides back into town

The ageing gunslinger rides back into town

2 mins. to read

One of the advantages of having thousands of funds to choose from is that there is always the chance that you could stumble on a hidden gem. The Independent Investment Trust (IIT) is a good example and shows the benefit of having a free spirited manager who is prepared to back his judgement and put…

The fund making money in turbulent markets

The fund making money in turbulent markets

3 mins. to read

A lot of fund managers have struggled in the last few months, but a handful have come through with flying colours. One such is David Crawford, who runs City Financial Absolute Equity. According to data from FE Trustnet, this is the most successful open-ended fund over the last 12 months, with an impressive gain of…

Resilient performance by Troy Trojan

Resilient performance by Troy Trojan

1 mins. to read

The last few months have been a difficult time for investors, but anyone with money in the Troy Trojan fund will have felt a lot more comfortable than most. Over the course of January its multi-asset portfolio returned 1% compared to a 10.1% fall in the FTSE All-Share. It also did reasonably well in 2015…

A volatile month for funds

A volatile month for funds

2 mins. to read

January was a difficult month for the world’s stock markets, with weaker economic data in China, the US and the UK casting doubt on the strength of the global recovery. This prompted further intervention by the central banks, with the Bank of Japan adopting negative interest rates on the excess reserves deposited by financial institutions,…

Fund picks for 2016

Fund picks for 2016

7 mins. to read

As seen in the January edition of Master Investor Magazine. At this time of year the financial press is always littered with predictions about which areas of the market are going to produce the best returns. It can be interesting and instructive to look at the different views, but it’s important to remember that nobody…