Victor Hill

Is this market the best way to tap into African potential?

Is this market the best way to tap into African potential?

9 mins. to read

Kenya is once again politically stable and is fast becoming the most mature emerging market in Africa. Jambo!* When you go through customs control on entering Kenya you are supposed to surrender all your plastic bags. Last year, plastic bags were banned in Kenya outright. This impressed me for two reasons. Firstly, it shows Kenya’s…

Forget productivity – the most important thing is wages

Forget productivity – the most important thing is wages

15 mins. to read

The most important problem facing the UK government in 2018 is that wage growth has stalled. Mrs May needs to give ordinary people hope of a wage rise in the New Year. The Productivity conundrum revisited Productivity is the output recorded per hour worked by the workforce. Successful manufacturing nations like Germany boast high levels…

What Donald could teach Theresa
a katz /; Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

What Donald could teach Theresa

13 mins. to read

A massive reform of the US tax code is underway. Britain could learn lessons from our American friends. Mr Trump’s corporate tax cut clears the Senate In the wee hours of Saturday 2nd December the US Senate passed a bill to cut corporate income taxes (taxes on company profits – what the British call corporation…

The Future of Money: Cash, Crypto or Gold?

The Future of Money: Cash, Crypto or Gold?

26 mins. to read

We think of money as an objective reality – but in fact it is just a conceptual construction of the human mind. It does not exist in nature; animals have no notion of it; even humans managed to live for countless millennia without it. The history of money is the history of civilisation. It has…

Brexit, the Tory Ultras and the Corbyn Threat
Ms Jane Campbell /

Brexit, the Tory Ultras and the Corbyn Threat

13 mins. to read

This morning a deal has been struck in Brussels. But will the Tory ultras buy it? And will Labour gain ground if they don’t? Sufficient progress? The breakthrough deal that was supposed to happen on Monday (04 December) was supposedly scuppered by the Ulster Unionists. In fact, much opposition to Mrs May’s original deal was…

Cash, crypto or gold?

Cash, crypto or gold?

14 mins. to read

Which would you rather own – $42,000 in a bank account, four bitcoins on your hard drive or a kilo of gold bullion under your bed? Cash versus gold Cash is useful stuff but you wouldn’t want to carry too much of it: it is bulky and can be easily lost or stolen. Money in…

Budget 2017: Mr Hammond’s timely reprieve

Budget 2017: Mr Hammond’s timely reprieve

14 mins. to read

UK government finances are under extreme pressure. But there is no need to panic – yet. Chronicle of a death foretold Mr Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, rose to the despatch box on Wednesday like a condemned man given one last chance beneath the gallows to plead for his life. It would have to be…

How to invest in the American Dream

How to invest in the American Dream

26 mins. to read

If the United States of America did not exist, it would be necessary to create it. For without America, the world would not be what it is. America remains the unashamedly capitalist dynamo of the world economy. It is the chrysalis of newly emergent technologies that will continue to change the way we live. It…

Cryptocurrencies for dummies

Cryptocurrencies for dummies

14 mins. to read

Has anyone invited you to invest in bitcoin recently? Do you really know what it is? And why did the Chinese ban it? The future of money My lead article in the December edition of the Master Investor magazine will be entitled The Future of Money. Not very Christmassy, you might think. But we need…

One year of Trumponomics
Windover Way Photography /

One year of Trumponomics

13 mins. to read

Exactly one year after Mr Trump’s election as 45th President of the United States, what evidence is there that Trumponomics will work? Happy anniversary! This first real week of autumn has been one of anniversaries. First, we marked 500 years since an academic friar by the name of Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to…