The Market Sniper
‘The Market Sniper’ is a retail trader company, for the 35 – 55+ year old Trader seeking the benefit of a Technical approach, as well as deeper understanding of market & price behaviour function, that often dovetails with Fundamental events.
We aim to capture the key fast breakout events, for a High Reward to Risk ratio [RRR] and key volatility pinch moments.
91% of Traders fail how to become the 9%.
- Highly selective opportunity
- Pre-planned Entry, Stops & Targets
- Patience and the curbing of compulsive requirement to be ‘in the Game’
- Outstanding risk reward ratio’s
- Emotional Containment and a reframing of ones response to risk, drawdown & success
- Including intramarket analysis, volume based analysis, pattern & price behaviour and event based scenario forecasting
The Market Sniper & HVF Method were responsible for Calling:
- Copper for a ‘Trump’ Outperformance 32% Bullish spike, providing a ‘Shorts Squeeze’ beginning to 2017, for this industrial metal
- The 2nd stage sell off of the EURO against the robust Norwegian Krona NOK, USD & CHF, The end January 2017
- Porsche for a 39% Move from, VW/Porsche Group Emission scandal lows
- Brent Oil Short for a major secular turn on the break of $103 in 2014 April, [Charts, YouTube recorded media exist for all claims]
- A prediction that the EURCHF Floor fail in January 2015 for 30% overnight $EURCHF gain
- Large Macro FX Emerging Market Devaluations from 2014, with a huge 80% USDRUB move substantial other devaluations from the USDTRY 50%, USDZAR 45%, USDBRL, USDMXN over a mere 2 year timeframe