The Evil Diaries: Foxtons, Pets At Home and Globo

You could knock me over with a feather. As soon as I went through today’s half year RNS from Foxtons (FOXT) I decided that the share price would go straight down through 200p. But, instead, at the time of writing, it is hovering around 240p. It is true that I do not like the cut of FOXT’s gib (spivvy staff and very questionable practices in the management department) but earnings have declined on last year and there is no reason to believe they’ll get better. Anyway, this is a slam dunk short up here.
Pets At Home (PETS) have come in with some pedestrian – or should that be canine – figures. I covered this stock a couple of months ago. But I am too early. So although I would not want to hold at 280p a short is deferred.
Globo (GBO) looks to be in serious financial trouble and is therefore a clear short at 40p.
Finally, it’s very strange that the Courts have overruled the drafting of a will where the will in question seems entirely reasonable in appearance. If this can happen how can one possibly ensure that one’s wishes are respected?
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