Evil Knievil: Easy money

Easy money: Caribbean Investment (LON:CIHL) reported some stellar results this morning. They are not a fluke and can be taken as representative. EPS for the six months to 30th September 2017 is c. 6.8p. This can be doubled to go to the full year and means that at 20p to buy CIHL is on a PE of 1.45. This is quite ridiculous.
Better still tnav is at the reporting date 48.5p and is now well past 50p.
There is no dividend since CIHL is still in negotiations with the Government of Belize over this and that. Pay no attention. If the GOB does not pay up it is cut out of all international fundraising. I have reason to believe that GOB have taken this on board.
What went on at the London Stock Exchange (LON:LSE)? I ask since I have asked everywhere and been completely unable to winkle out even a rumour. The chairman, Brydon, is not handsome and Rolet is on the cusp of going to seed through age. However, neither truth is sufficient upon which to base an argument. Sir Christopher Hohn remains schtum.
The MI chairman reminds readers that the speculating feeders have latterly preferred Bitcoin to gold. That phase seems to be over. Buy gold at $1265.
Speed reading: in this case, the Times letters page. I learnt a lot from this column about fifty years ago but even then always looked forward to the last offers (bottom right) since that was always where the funnies were. But I have refined my method. As a general rule one should skip a letter from a bishop. Two and more bishops is a dead loss. Ditto racial conduct letters. They are nearly always from liars and idiots.
Soldiers can be OK. But four and more soldiers in separate letters is a package of snooze inducers. You’ll just have to judge.
As ever.
I really liked Debbie McGee on SCD. The plangent music of The Argentine Tango keeps going round my head. And that of my wife – she is musical. Google for Debbie McGee The Argentine Tango on YouTube. You’ll see and understand what I mean.
The Tango got going in Argentina in the 1890s – I have read that it was in the brothels of Buenos Aires fuelled by European immigrants. Some good can come of population movements. And those of Debbie McGee.
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