Economics & Markets

The dark arts of psychographics and political manipulation
AlexandraPopova /

The dark arts of psychographics and political manipulation

14 mins. to read

We now know what Cambridge Analytica was up to – and how they did it. They linked personality analysis (psychographics) with Facebook data. But they weren’t even particularly good at what they did. Cambridge Analytica – remember them? Last week the BBC R4’s Jolyon Jenkins explored digital psychographic analysis in a series of radio broadcasts…

Of trade wars and trade bores

Of trade wars and trade bores

14 mins. to read

Last week, President Trump was accused of starting a trade war, but Victor Hill asks whether the war has been taking place in the background for years and whether these actions will help redress the West’s trade position with China.

Where next for commercial property?

Where next for commercial property?

8 mins. to read

UK commercial real estate has performed strongly in recent years despite Brexit, as the hunt for yield leads income-seekers to seek alternative sources of income. James Faulkner caught up with Jason Baggaley, manager of Standard Life Property Income Trust, to get a better insight into the current state of the market.

Eurozone troubles – déjà vu all over again?
Marco Iacobucci EPP /

Eurozone troubles – déjà vu all over again?

15 mins. to read

The new Eurosceptic, populist government in Italy has come to power at a time when the eurozone economy is slowing. EU markets and the euro now look vulnerable, but the UK market and the pound are still mired in Brexit uncertainty. Italy: the melodrama continues One thing I love about Puccini’s Tosca is that everybody knows…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

5 mins. to read

At no point in my life has tempus seemed to fugit more than now. This year is nearly half over. I am at my house in the Isle of Man, a glass-fringed old café, and the place is boiling. Is this climate change or just an early summer? Who knows, but all this extraordinary weather will undoubtedly…

Is Macron’s France beyond reform?
Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

Is Macron’s France beyond reform?

15 mins. to read

Emmanuel Macron and the Goblet of Fire French President Emmanuel Macron is a dynamic young wizard. But the fundamental reform of France may be beyond even his magical powers. One year in He established a centrist political movement out of nothing (La République En Marche or REM) and was elected Head of State on its ticket…

Mellon on the Markets

Mellon on the Markets

6 mins. to read

It’s late April in LA, it’s raining, and it’s time for the annual Milken Institute jamboree. Anthony Chow and I are here, having been relieved of a large sum in order to attend. As with most conferences, the true value is in the networking effect, not so much in what is said at the various…

Is AIM still “the world’s leading growth market”?
Victor Moussa /

Is AIM still “the world’s leading growth market”?

4 mins. to read

The Alternative Investment Market – also known as “AIM” – provokes controversy in the investment community. Some see it as little better than a casino, useful for short-term trading at best; others see it as an ideal forum for the industrious private investor to seek out opportunities for growth. What is for certain is that…