Victor Hill

Expect more stock market volatility – but is it a bad thing?

Expect more stock market volatility – but is it a bad thing?

12 mins. to read

The index of stock market volatility (the VIX) has gone from almost nothing to quite something. Market experts are donning their Hi-Viz safety apparel. Should we be worried? What are stock markets for? A nineteenth century economist would have answered the question by saying that they are a means of providing essential equity finance to…

European markets – what could possibly go wrong?
miqu77 /

European markets – what could possibly go wrong?

13 mins. to read

The eurozone is humming with robust synchronised growth, right? So why has the biggest Wall Street hedge fund shorted European markets to the tune of $22 billion? A very big short Last week CNBC revealed that Bridgewater Capital, a Wall Street hedge fund with $160 billion under management, had taken out short positions on European…

The Customs Union or a Customs Union? Or just confusion?
Sergsta /

The Customs Union or a Customs Union? Or just confusion?

12 mins. to read

The British political class is riven with dissent over what type of Brexit is most desirable. This is because, after two years of Brexit argy bargy, few Brits really understand the issues – and least of all in the Labour Party. A discourteous proposition Last week Monsieur Barnier, the EU Chief Negotiator, threw a document…

African Dawn: Why African markets will rally in 2018

African Dawn: Why African markets will rally in 2018

23 mins. to read

Imagine a continent which leads the world in mobile telephony banking and in fourth generation (satellite) internet access. This is a continent which has achieved remarkable advances in health outcomes as evidenced by levels of infant mortality and life expectancy, and in education over the last two decades. And which is now enjoying supercharged growth.…

The State of the (Spanish) Union

The State of the (Spanish) Union

14 mins. to read

The Catalonian insurrection has been defeated by the will of Madrid – mercifully without ugliness. But many Catalans are resentful and do not think the struggle is over. Victor Hill has been visiting Spain’s richest province again. A fairly honourable defeat… On 31 January, a message sent by Carles Puigdemont, the unlikely exiled President of…

Shaking the magic money tree

Shaking the magic money tree

13 mins. to read

Money doesn’t grow on trees – so we are told. Yet central banks like the Bank of England can create it out of nothing. Do they really know what they are doing? And who has gained most from their monetary alchemy? The age of alchemy The Credit Crunch – aka the Financial Crisis – of…

Should you follow this US hedge fund and invest in Barclays?
S Kozakiewicz /

Should you follow this US hedge fund and invest in Barclays?

13 mins. to read

British banks like Barclays have destroyed shareholder value like no one else in recent years. Now they face the risk of Brexit. So why are the big boys piling in? Always follow the money… When a massive $24 billion New York hedge fund like Tiger Global takes a 2.5 percent stake in Britain’s oldest high…

Prepare for a bumper year in 2018

Prepare for a bumper year in 2018

22 mins. to read

In the January 2016 edition of Master Investor Magazine I penned an article entitled 2016: The year of living dangerously. That was the year of the Brexit referendum and the triumph of Mr Trump. Populism appeared to be rampant and the Eurozone was under severe strain.  But Europe did not fall to the populists. It…

Boeing is flying high but SpaceX has lofty ambitions

Boeing is flying high but SpaceX has lofty ambitions

13 mins. to read

In the global airframe manufacturing duopoly that is Airbus versus Boeing, the balance of advantage has unexpectedly shifted towards Boeing. But maybe they should both be worried about SpaceX. Airbus saves Bombardier On 06 November last year I wrote in these pages that the October deal between Airbus (EPA:AIR) and Bombardier (TSE:BBD) whereby Airbus would…

Unemployment in Emerging Markets should not spook investors

Unemployment in Emerging Markets should not spook investors

13 mins. to read

Developing countries like Kenya tend to have shockingly high rates of unemployment. But that should not deter investors – rather it is a sign of potential. Worrying numbers When I wrote last week that Kenya has an unemployment rate of 38 percent, a number of colleagues questioned that figure. How could it possibly be so…