Swen Lorenz

WM Morrison: A Contrarian View

WM Morrison: A Contrarian View

3 mins. to read

By Robert Sutherland Smith Like a great sail-driven trading ship in mounting seas without a chief officer (The new CEO David Potts is rowed aboard next week) but a busy financial navigator officer (suitably Named as Mr. Strain) keeping the ship sea worthy, William Morrison Plc (MRW) has docked its results for last year. In my…

The Evil Diaries: A Brief Update

The Evil Diaries: A Brief Update

0 mins. to read

My attention has been drawn to American Addiction Centers (AAC on NYSE), now around $24. This is clearly a fraud as will be swiftly apparent should one read: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2967976-american-addiction-centers-addicted-to-fraudulent-drug-testing  The difficulty for me is that I was unable to borrow stock. But, possibly, others can be more successful.

Small Remains Beautiful

Small Remains Beautiful

2 mins. to read

It is perhaps unfortunate that the lifestyle of a technical analyst is not quite as glamorous as some are led to believe, especially as compared to the more obvious fat cat individuals in finance, and of course the BBC, Westminster and the NHS. But it has to be admitted that even if there is not…

The Badger on How to Profit from Currency Shenanigans

The Badger on How to Profit from Currency Shenanigans

3 mins. to read

Apologies for the lack of commentary last week, but even a Badger needs an occasional week on the slopes to recover his sense of up, down and sideways. (There was quite a lot of all of these last week.) And it feels like I’ve got back to a week of confusion, wrack and ruin in…

Wednesday’s Stock Market Report featuring Tullow Oil, N Brown, boohoo.com and Lombard Risk Management

Wednesday’s Stock Market Report featuring Tullow Oil, N Brown, boohoo.com and Lombard Risk Management

7 mins. to read

    The Markets The UK government has agreed to follow Australia and Ireland by introducing standardised packaging for cigarettes. From 2016 all packets will look identical except for the brand name, health warnings and unpleasant pictures of rotting body parts. Simon Clark of smokers group Forest commented: “Consumers are fed up being patronised by…

Share Repurchases – The Silent QE4. By Filipe R. Costa

Share Repurchases – The Silent QE4. By Filipe R. Costa

6 mins. to read

Every time I look at the chart below, I have mixed feelings and I am not sure which of them dominates. On one side, I am delighted with the spectacular rise in equities seen since 2009. In just six years, the market fully recovered from losses that pushed the S&P 500 back to its 1996…

The Evil Diaries: Punchable Producer

The Evil Diaries: Punchable Producer

1 mins. to read

Evil discusses Foxtons, Mar City, Orosur Mining, the FTSE, Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear… I sold Foxtons (FOXT) this morning at 190p on the results and was promptly rewarded with a rise against me of the order of 10%. My obsession remains the same. **** As it does at Mar City (MAR) which clearly has…