Swen Lorenz

Billionaires fight to Keep their trillions away from the taxman

Billionaires fight to Keep their trillions away from the taxman

3 mins. to read

There is one thing that billionaires do much better than the ordindary Joe (besides earning money of course!): they know how to protect their money. In fact, when it comes to protecting their money, billionaires really excel, applying all kinds of clever and astute measure to enjoy their wealth while hiding it from prying eyes.…

The “ghoul’s” are back…

The “ghoul’s” are back…

1 mins. to read

Below is a comment posted by one of those vile excuses of humanity. The sort of character that thinks Stuart Mills and Jimmy Savile are pillars of the establishment no doubt…! “Reader Comments (1) notice your trading buys/conviction buys list has been removed from your About Us section. since virtually all of your recent calls…

Zak Mir – XEL, Milk snatching & The Heckler!

Zak Mir – XEL, Milk snatching & The Heckler!

3 mins. to read

Well, it has finally happened. After more than a decade of trying to be a good person and not slapping sell recommendations on bulletin board hero stocks, I have now officially been heckled via Twitter for posting bearish calls on Xcite Energy (XEL) and that AIM doyen – Gulf Keystone (GKP). Why did I turn…

Guess the ENRC bid price to win a case of SA’s finest wines!

Guess the ENRC bid price to win a case of SA’s finest wines!

1 mins. to read

With the 17 May deadline for a firm bid or otherwise by the 3 ENRC oligarchs now looming, and the purchasing of stock (approx 3%) in recent days by Suleiman Kerimov and who seems to be positioning himself with Kazakhmys as ‘kingmaker’ (they need 75% to de-list), it looks to us that odds are a…

Gold – John Paulson is safe. For Now…

Gold – John Paulson is safe. For Now…

3 mins. to read

The supposedly safe Gold market shocked many (and not just the gold bugs) on the 12th April by dropping 5.2 percent in a single session, erasing $79 from its value. It seems that not even the weekend break saved investors as the yellow metal then opened on the Monday with the same excessive bear tendency…

Guess the stock… Answer is African Barrick Gold!

Guess the stock… Answer is African Barrick Gold!

0 mins. to read

What if I told you there was a stock that was trading at a 60% discount to TANGIBLE book value, had a dividend yield of just over 6%, had been the recipient of a takeover approach at twice the price in the last 12 months and where its products are in very high demand. What…