Swen Lorenz

In all its glory…. announcement from ENRC

In all its glory…. announcement from ENRC

1 mins. to read

Update from the Independent Committee of the Board of Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC (the “Company” or “ENRC”) Statement regarding request for Rule 2.6 Extension and Indicative Proposal The Independent Committee of the Board of ENRC (the “Independent Committee”), consisting solely of independent non-executive directors of the Company, received a conditional, indicative proposal (the “Proposal”)…

Bernanke IS feeling out The Market…

Bernanke IS feeling out The Market…

4 mins. to read

Jon Hilsenrath Jon Hilsenrath, a well known WSJ journalist, often seen as the U.S. FED’s inside man, published an article on WSJ’s Saturday edition about the central bank possibly exiting from its current QE program. The article didn’t reveal anything substantial, but it is particularly strong at transmitting some basic ideas: the FED now has…

An absolute must read on the disconnect in the markets today

An absolute must read on the disconnect in the markets today

2 mins. to read

The greatest disconnect in the world today is the underlying economies of the world and the markets – all of the markets.  This river is wide and getting wider given the money that the central banks are pushing downstream. The flood has reached all of the markets, Real Estate, the banks, many corporations, any and…

Zak Mir on less is more

Zak Mir on less is more

3 mins. to read

From my perspective it has certainly been a rather interesting past few weeks in terms of my life as a Chartist of the financial markets. I have to admit that my general approach has been to be someone who gives the benefit of the doubt to the upside on stocks, if only because most the…

Another “star” fund manager falls from Grace – Black Rock’s Mark Lyttleton arrested

Another “star” fund manager falls from Grace – Black Rock’s Mark Lyttleton arrested

5 mins. to read

Mark Lyttleton of BlackRock The elusive “alpha” in the centrall planned market environment gains another scalp…Mark Lyttleton, a star manager at asset management firm Black Rock and who became a U.K. poster boy for retail clients seeking hedge-fund style investments after posting positive returns in 2008 when markets crashed has been arrrested aling with his…

Looks like the Japanese finance minister has been reading our charts too…

Looks like the Japanese finance minister has been reading our charts too…

2 mins. to read

“Mr Yen” Sakakibara Japanese equities have risen a “bit too fast” and appear to be somewhat “bubbly,” according to the former vice finance minister of Japan, Eisuke Sakakibara, as the Nikkei crossed the key 15,000 level for the first time since 2008 on Wednesday. “The movement of equity prices seems to be somewhat bubbly – there will…

ENRC & scheme of arrangement structure sets up a knockout bid level

ENRC & scheme of arrangement structure sets up a knockout bid level

3 mins. to read

Alexander Machkevitch Both this weekend’s Telegraph and the Sunday Times are reporting that the 3 oligarch majority shareholders of ENRC, together with Govt of Kazakhstan and being led by Alexander Machkevitch, will ask the Takeover Panel for an extension to the bid deadline that looms for this coming Friday. Interestingly, the Telegraph is reporting that the…