Swen Lorenz

Evil Diaries Addendum: Quindell Speaks… Quindell Speak

Evil Diaries Addendum: Quindell Speaks… Quindell Speak

0 mins. to read

Evil discusses Quindell… At 12.30 today Quindell has come up with the following: “Press speculation Quindell Plc (AIM: QPP.L) announces that, contrary to speculation, the exclusivity arrangements with Slater & Gordon Limited in respect of the possible disposal of an operating division of the Group (“Exclusivity”) continue and discussions are on-going. There can be no…

Obama is a communist! By Zak Mir

Obama is a communist! By Zak Mir

3 mins. to read

Tax remains one of the great taboo areas of finance, and the most controversial along political lines. Since the financial crisis seven years ago this situation has only become more in focus. After all, where did the money come from to bail out the banks? The taxpayer. But where has the money gone from the…

Afren shareholders to face wipe out?

Afren shareholders to face wipe out?

3 mins. to read

by Was Shakoor I am a bondholder in Afren (AFR), having bought in size in recent days as the company has revealed its cash flow problems. I haven’t bought very well, I’m afraid, paying far too much early last week at 41c, although I did add significantly at 34c, without paying accrued interest into the…

The Evil Diaries: Rural Crime

The Evil Diaries: Rural Crime

2 mins. to read

Evil discusses the FTSE, gold miners, Outsourcery, Mitie, Afren, loonie/USD, the election, and rural crime… As it happens, aside from going short of FTSE pursuant to the Crispin Odey-inspired message of doom last week, I am long gold and gold shares such as, you guessed it, Orosur (OMI). But I decline to get involved with…

When is a buyback a good buyback? by James Faulkner

When is a buyback a good buyback? by James Faulkner

4 mins. to read

With many companies facing a dearth of new investment prospects in an environment where borrowing costs are at historic lows, share buybacks have become increasingly popular as a means to push earnings higher. In theory, buybacks can be good news for investors. A company that uses excess funds to mop-up shares on the open market…