Swen Lorenz

Time to Brace Yourself for a Labor Day Stock Market Sell-Off?

Time to Brace Yourself for a Labor Day Stock Market Sell-Off?

2 mins. to read

Labor Day is coming up. On September 2, the North American key stock indices will be closed for business—no trading will take place. Not only will it mark the end of summer, but it will also be the last long weekend before the Thanksgiving weekend in November.  That said, one question comes to mind: why…

Hugh Hendry’s latest thoughts

Hugh Hendry’s latest thoughts

3 mins. to read

Hugh Hendry is one of the few fund managers we really respect here at Spreadbet Magazine. A man of considerable intellect and the ability to see through markets and what is on the other side of the horizon (the only real way to make money on a sustained basis). As such, his insights in to…

day trade ideas – 27/08/13

day trade ideas – 27/08/13

2 mins. to read

Emini S&P Sep13 continued higher as expected to hit the target of 1668/69. We predicted a high for the day to exit longs & try shorts & this trade worked perfectly as we sold off to our 1652/51 level. The short term outlook remains negative so we look for 1649/48 & possibly as far as 1646/45. A low…

Buying BP

Buying BP

3 mins. to read

By Ben Turney  I’m hard pressed to think of a company, which has attracted more negative headlines over the last few years than BP. Admittedly much of this is deserved after the woeful operational failings, which led to the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010, but the recent coverage has been increasingly dramatic. And as such…

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 27/08/13

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 27/08/13

0 mins. to read

US markets sank yesterday on a subdued UK bank holiday after US Secretary State John Kerry said the president will hold Syria’s government accountable for using chemical weapons. Investors dumped shares, sending the markets lower on light volume on concerns the US was inching towards possible military action against Syria. The negativity will continue into…



1 mins. to read

Ol Caaawky seemingly trying to get his “point” across..! UPDATE – 26 AUG – SUPRISE, SURPRISE, WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR THE GREAT MAN’S EMAIL..! It seems our old “friend” Mr Cawkwell believes we defamed him in reporting that rumours were circulating that he was long Sefton and that we also highlighted what we believe…

Just why are hedge funds under performing?

Just why are hedge funds under performing?

6 mins. to read

Recent  research  into the performance of  major US  Hedge Funds has revealed a  substantial degree of under performance  by these funds when compared to the S&P 500  indices and their more staid mutual fund rivals. The research which was conducted by Goldman Sachs and others shows that the average Hedge Fund has underperformed the S&P…

zak mir on RKH, Globo and Amara Mining

zak mir on RKH, Globo and Amara Mining

3 mins. to read

I guess it can be said without fear of contradiction, that those investors with a penchant for buying into Falkand Islands oil & gas explorers such as Rockhopper (RKH), are probably the kind of people who enjoy going to the dentist or receiving threatening letters from HMRC! This point was underlined yesterday in the wake…

Mining Companies Going Forward: Where’s the Potential?

Mining Companies Going Forward: Where’s the Potential?

3 mins. to read

By Investment Contrarians A friend of mine recently asked me a question that many others might be asking as well: why do mining companies swing so often from optimism to pessimism?  If we take a look at how the mining companies have reacted to price over the past few years, we can see just why…