CentralNic – Looking Ahead To Q4 Results
Mark Watson-Mitchell explains why you shouldn’t underestimate this group’s potential as he sets a new target price.
Mark Watson-Mitchell explains why you shouldn’t underestimate this group’s potential as he sets a new target price.
Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at Gateley, Sureserve and Centaur.
Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at a few more of his favourite equities.
Mark Watson-Mitchell thinks that this firm is looking for a chart breakout before its Q3 trading update in late January.
Mark Watson-Mitchell believes that these gas compliance and estate agency firms are looking cheap.
Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on some of his favourite equities.
Mark Watson-Mitchell reckons you can follow this ‘insider’s dealings’ to your advantage.
Mark Watson-Mitchell closes out the first week of 2023 with a look at firms including compliance, chocolate and housing specialists.
Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at firms specialising in legal services, domain registration and news wholesaling.
Mark Watson-Mitchell gives his thoughts on today’s market rally.