James Hudson

How to connect with investors at your exhibitor stand

How to connect with investors at your exhibitor stand

2 mins. to read

Part 1 of an exclusive “how to” blog series – written for exhibitors of Master Investor Show. You’ve set up your stall and you’ve perfected your pitch, but when it comes to exhibiting are you really ready for your audience? You are looking for someone to invest in you and there is no truer saying than…

Revealed: 4 killer tips for reaching investors through social media

Revealed: 4 killer tips for reaching investors through social media

4 mins. to read

For any business size, in any sector, investors are drawn to companies who “get social”. A kick-ass social presence shows you have nothing to hide and can play an important role in your company’s communications with shareholders and the general investing public. The right social strategy can raise your company’s profile with potential investors, keep…