Evil Knievil

More of the same deceitful incompetence from the FOS

More of the same deceitful incompetence from the FOS

2 mins. to read

I have lately spent nine months corresponding with the Financial Ombudsman Service and achieved an adverse result (in my opinion I have been improperly debited by a broker for c. £100,000). I was surprised by this since mine is a slam dunk case. So I have asked around and in particular I got the following…

Remember that you read it here first

Remember that you read it here first

0 mins. to read

Plus500 (PLUS) is up 10% this morning – now 580p – on the announcement of a share buy back programme. This should give the directors the ideal opportunity to get out. As to why fresh shareholders should want to get in, I have no idea. ***** Un peu exaggere: today’s Daily Mail features a photo…

We must be mad, literally mad

We must be mad, literally mad

2 mins. to read

Acacia (LON:ACA) is down again this morning as the market further digests the Tanzanian government’s ban on exports by ACA. The government claims that ACA is understating its exports by a factor of ten. This is so improbable a figure upon which to alight that the use of it means that the Tanzanians wish to…

Tilting the odds in one’s favour

Tilting the odds in one’s favour

0 mins. to read

This is really serious investment material and not for flebsters:   You enter tomorrow Wednesday’s Lotto online. You will need to register on the National Lottery site.   The problem is to devise, say, 2,000 different entries using numbers 32 to 59. I think it is £1 an entry. But you can look it up.…

Populist drivel

Populist drivel

2 mins. to read

There is still no whiff of adverse rumour surrounding Six Hundred Group (LON:SIXH). This makes it a stonking buy at 13p. My reservation is that since it is so obviously cheap there has to be a reason for the share price being down here. ***** I used to regard listening to Any Questions on BBC…

HM Government in practice

HM Government in practice

2 mins. to read

Keurboom Communications whose sole director is a Greg Rudd, 51, has been fined £400,000 for 100m nuisance calls. Keurboom is in liquidation such that the fine does not get paid. This has led to hand-wringing on a big scale. Apart from the fact that the fine should be capable of being stuck on a director…

Nuttall is definitely nut all there

Nuttall is definitely nut all there

1 mins. to read

Driving back from Oxford on Tuesday afternoon I passed a large roadside advertisement, put up by UKIP, calling for “less intergration”. I am unacquainted with the desirability of this since I have always thought grated parmesan and cheddar compote quite delicious. But that chap Nuttall is definitely nut all there and he might have developed…

This should be a piece of cake

This should be a piece of cake

2 mins. to read

Macron has emerged on top. But France’s involvement in the Euro still needs to be settled – and Macron offers no hope there. And the problem of bringing Islam under control is staring everybody in the face. This latter will not wait for some fiddle. It means that the Euro short is probably very sensible,…

The computer rules

The computer rules

1 mins. to read

It was nice for IG Index to phone me yesterday to point out that, consequent upon my forex positions, I would have to cough up a further £60,000 cash by way of margin call for the weekend’s French election uncertainties. This is the first time that IG have ever phoned me in the last year.…

Diane Abbott is terrific

Diane Abbott is terrific

1 mins. to read

Mitie (LON:MTO) reports today on the outcome of a board meeting held yesterday at which KPMG’s enquiry into MTO’s accounting policies in practice were considered. There are substantial write downs and, interestingly, the clear declaration that there are further unquantified write downs to come. Strangely, the shares are up 18p at 229p on these disclosures.…