Zak Mir Video Blog On Bulletin Board Heroes: Craven House, RapidCloud International, Roxi Petroleum, Surgical Innovations

1 mins. to read


Spreadbet Magazine editor Zak Mir takes a look at the technical position of some of the bulletin board stocks of the moment amongst private investors.

Here are the key points from today’s video:

Craven House (CRV):

The latest recovery attempt comes after a deep bear trap rebound from below 0.3p this month.

The favoured scenario is a return to the 0.55p plus 2014 resistance zone over the next 2-4 weeks while the key 0.35p support zone remain in place.

At this stage only cautious traders would wait on an end of day close back above the 200 day moving average at 0.45p before going long.

RapidCloud International (RCI):

Following the higher November support above 40p versus October, we have a bull flag recovery with the flag based at the 50 day moving average level of 44p.

The latest break recovery attempt could point RapidCloud shares back towards the 70p zone over the next 1-2 months within last year’s descending price channel.

The stock could gather momentum on a sustained end of day close back above the 50p zone.

Roxi Petroleum (RXP):

A fresh rally looks to be on the way after a higher support zones for December above former July unfilled gap.

The chances now are that while there is no end of day close back below the 10 day moving average level at 7.66p we could see a partial or even full retest of the  pre October 20p plus resistance for early 2015.

Only cautious traders would wait on a clearance of the 200 day moving average at 10p.

Surgical Innovations Group (SUN):

Saucer shaped gap fill reversal since the unfilled gap to the downside in September.

Although the stock is now very overbought after recent significant gains there could be a fresh leg higher towards September gap / July price channel top as high as 4.75p on a best case scenario.

October resistance at 2.5p the favoured stop loss zone on the buy argument currently.

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