
Crowdfunding is misselling itself

Crowdfunding is misselling itself

2 mins. to read

By James Tuckett, Co-founder and CEO of investUP – the crowdfunding supermarket In July this year the word crowdfunding was searched on Google 450,000 times. You can crowdfund anything – from baking your mum an apple pie (yes, that happened), to your garage band’s debut. But that’s not where the real revolution’s taking place. The…

How will the global turmoil affect crowdfunding?

How will the global turmoil affect crowdfunding?

3 mins. to read

By James Tuckett, Co-founder and CEO of investUP – the crowdfunding supermarket Hold the front page – the Chinese economy is slowing down. Who didn’t see that one coming? In an age of intertwined economies, extreme volatility in China is being exported globally. Calamity across the Chinese commodity markets this week is having largely foreseen…