Bitcoin: A game changing technology for the world

Sam Volkering
In Conversation with Sam Volkering, Editor of The Crypto Handbook.
The move towards more digital assets is “inevitable,” says Sam Volkering. The amount of physical cash in circulation in the U.K. is a mere 4% and society is becoming more comfortable with Bitcoin as a new form of money.
With its many gatekeepers and administrative demands on users, traditional finance doesn’t work argues Volkering. Bitcoin on the other hand is a new democratised digital asset that is inclusive for everybody. It’s many things says Volkering. “It’s digital gold. It trades like a stock. It’s money.”
There’s a lot more to this wider crypto ecosystem than just the price of Bitcoin says Volkering, and it’s one that is developing and expanding and growing and providing opportunities for people.
“What people will start to hear a lot more about in the next 12 months is the tokenization of assets. Companies tokenizing their assets, funds tokenizing their assets, where and how things were exchanged and traded.”
In this video Volkering talks about how investors can buy, hold, own, sell and trade crypto directly and indirectly.
A free eBook of Volkering’s The Crypto Handbook is available on the Harriman House store.