Evil Knievil: the Post Office is being banged to rights

Master Investor Magazine
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I do not know how to improve the BBC’s summary of events this last twenty years in relation to subpostmasters. So I strongly recommend that readers access the BBC’s replay service covering BBC Radio 4’s File on Four 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 16th February. Basically, some bigheaded bureaucrats at the post office decided to introduce a new accounting system, styled HORIZON, to be compulsorily used by all subpostmasters all over the country. As a result, tens of these poor unfortunates found themselves criminally prosecuted and, of these, some were jailed, bankrupted and all had their lives destroyed
What is amazing is that all this has taken so long to come to light. Further, even now, the programme reported, the accounting system is still defective.
Presumably there are walloping damages to be paid to all those who suffered at the hands of the bureaucratic idiots. As usual, there will be delays in such payments (lawyers need their cut) but at long last there is some prospect of justice being achieved.
Stand by to be shaken to the core.
I bought 50,000 Cenkos (LON:CNKS) this morning at 67p on the basis of the trading update. I understand that this business is going well and that Andy Stewart, he of the barmy hair style and indeed the original owner of Cenkos the horse, is bullish. Read the statement and turn greedy.
Poor Mr Sabisky. He thinks that telling the truth is a good start to good government. Unfortunately, he told it too loudly and has been chucked out of 10 Downing Street. When will these silly young men learn that Johnson is a fiction specialist?