Evil Knievil in Lockdown Nirvana

Some are depressed by the Lockdown. And if I were one of those long-striding hillwalkers I dare say I would be. But I ain’t. As Robert Sangster’s grandson Ned pointed out to me, I have been self isolating for decades.
However, my time has not been wasted. For instance, my chum, Swagman – we have known our arid sessions – has been marking my card for the Hong Kong racing and it really has been going gangbusters. Nine days ago I decided to oppose Beauty Generation (£10,000 on the Field) who is now seven years old and, I thought surely past it. Well he only lost by a nose to Southern Legend. Whereupon I checked my notes and realised that I had won £32,000 on Southern Legend as well. That was a £42,000 swing on the photo.
Anyway, having profitably visited Happy Valley last Wednesday I took up the cudgels at Sha Tin and, to my astonishment, won a further £50,000. Who says that lockdown impoverishes the spirit? Some fool from central casting I expect.
On Sunday afternoon I watched one of my grandsons solve Rubik’s Cube in a few seconds which trick he then followed up with a rendition of Dvorak’s New World better known as the Hovis theme tune on his guitar. Whether he’ll be any good at HK racing remains to be seen.
Even that was not all. Last Thursday I bought 20,000 Avacta (LON:AVCT) at 110p having been urged to do so through a reading of fifteen pages prepared by a Myles McNulty. It is very well written and explains how AVCT should get in on the Covid-19 gravy train. I bought again on Monday morning at 107p and lo and behold find the closing price is into new high ground. Wonders never cease.
Would that you had been into Avacta six weeks ago, when it was about 30p!
I thought I had missed the boat (I have long thought that Avacta’s affimer mini-antibodies would one day come into their own), but, seeing your own punt, maybe I’ll have a go myself notwithstanding.