Evil Knievil: Clear Leisure clears a major hurdle

Clear Leisure (LON:CLP) today reports that its E10.8m (£9.7m) plus interest claim, and covered by the defendants’ insurance case and styled Sipiem, proceeds to judgement in March 2021. CLP seem confident that not merely will they win but that CLP will get the money. Assuming that there is no tax payable on any such recovery that comes to c. 1.5p per share. I paid 0.24p and 0.28p this morning.
I was diagnosed as a type 2 Diabetes patient about sixteen years ago – I had cheerfully consumed four bottles of wine every day and, eventually, the poor old bod gave way. The doctor told me that I had it for life. But my wife persisted with this and that diet and, lo and behold, I am now clear of diabetes. Hallelujah.
I am still unpersuaded by the Jonathan Sumption view that all these rules implementing lockdown are not merely a waste of time but also an attack on personal freedom. Certainly, at 74 years old, I feel vulnerable. But being cleared of diabetes makes me feel that little bit less so.
My chum bought Sir Dragonet for AUD1.8m about two months ago on behalf of a Mr Cieron Maher, an Aussie racehorse trainer. The first stage of the plan worked when SD won the Cox Plate and £1.7m at Moonee Valley last Saturday. I won £65,000. The plan is now to go for the Melbourne Cup at Flemington on 3rd November and win rather more. Fortune favours the bold and old.
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