Evil Diaries: Profits on the Books

John Stonehouse, I read, walked in to a Royal Life office and, unbidden, bought a life policy. Informed of this the Royal Life actuary declared that Stonehouse was still alive since life insurance is never bought without a sales effort.
I am pleased to see that my two books, Prophet of the Plunge and Evil’s Good are now available on Amazon at five times the original cover price. Investment opportunity?
Equally, my father’s From Cyrene to Chaeronea, a collection of essays that he wrote covering the Ancient World, has had its cover price determined by the publishers increased from £90 to £130. For the money, a reader also gets a dust jacket with my father’s hero, Heraclitus, in sitting mode.
I therefore confined myself to bringing up to speed my collection of Robotman by Jim Meddick. It was Lord Deedes who remarked that American cartoons, particularly strip cartoons, are vastly better than anything originated and offered here. Hurry now: Robotman is a collectible.
Finally, I bought Canadian Overseas Petroleum at 0.46p this morning. I am not sure this is wise. But I expect I’ll get the wise and therefores in due course.
COPL currently .34p so therefore not whys?