
Venture Life: Trend channel target towards 100p

Venture Life: Trend channel target towards 100p

1 mins. to read

On a day curiously void of bombastic small-cap highlights, it seems appropriate to go for a situation which has classic fundamental merit, in the form of Venture Life (LON:VLG). On the face of it (pun largely intended), Venture Life has almost everything that matters to a chartist who has just hit the half century mark.…

Urals Energy: Technical target towards 10p

Urals Energy: Technical target towards 10p

1 mins. to read

Given how “close” Vladimir Putin’s country is to the West these days, even playing King Maker in the recent U.S. Presidential elections (allegedly), it would appear churlish not to look at a company which has its heart in the land of the Russian Bear. I am uncertain as to the nature of the geopolitical relationship…

EVR Holdings: New trendline target up to 16p

EVR Holdings: New trendline target up to 16p

1 mins. to read

EVR Holdings (LON:EVRH) was one of my stocks for 2017, and has thus far proved robust enough to live up to the enthusiasm of private investors. These days, given how one can be shot down via social media, with or without justification, I tend to be as conservative and cautious on share price targets as…

CPP Group: Gap through 50 day moving average points to 20p

CPP Group: Gap through 50 day moving average points to 20p

1 mins. to read

There are plenty of possible ways of interpreting what “life assistance” is, but at least as far as CPP Group (LON:CPP) is concerned, we have a daily chart which is encouraging. I have to admit that today, St Patrick’s Day, is the day that I have actually probed into the fundamentals of life assistance group…

Hochschild Mining: Above 50 day line could lead to 400p
Silver ... price rises likely

Hochschild Mining: Above 50 day line could lead to 400p

1 mins. to read

“Swing back to profit” is a favourite phrase as far as many a stock market company is concerned, and was applicable to Hochschild Mining (LON:HOC) earlier this month. It would appear that as of 16 March most of the fundamental and technical stars relating to Hochschild Mining are very much aligned. This is said in…

Bowleven: Break of 35p could still lead to 45p

Bowleven: Break of 35p could still lead to 45p

1 mins. to read

It can be said quite justifiably that in terms of making people wait, it is not only Donald Trump who is an expert. Bulls of Bowleven (LON:BLVN) have also had their patience tested. It would appear that the perfect stock to look at on 15th March – the Ides of March – is explorer Bowleven,…

16 must-watch movies for traders and investors

16 must-watch movies for traders and investors

4 mins. to read

Not too long ago we reviewed what the hit film The Big Short can teach us about value investing. (See the original post here.) The blog post prompted us to take a look at what other finance and investment themed movies are out there. We at our FinTech start-up CityFALCON and London Value Investing are…

The People’s Operator: Above 50 day line targets 15p

The People’s Operator: Above 50 day line targets 15p

1 mins. to read

It is difficult not to get caught up in the celebrity presence at The People’s Operator (LON:TPOP). But of course, this is always a key part of the private investor experience as far as the stock market is concerned. It would appear that there is a decent amount of momentum associated with The People’s Operator,…

Metal Tiger: Break of 200 day line points to 4p

Metal Tiger: Break of 200 day line points to 4p

1 mins. to read

Metal Tiger (LON:MTR) was a great private investor favourite for the first half of 2016, but it remains to be seen whether the company can achieve the same feat for the first part of this year… It could be said that the end of 2016 did not go as well for Metal Tiger as many…

LGO Energy: Weekly clearance of 200 day line targets 5.5p

LGO Energy: Weekly clearance of 200 day line targets 5.5p

1 mins. to read

The old Lenigas & Oil was the stock that got me into the area of small caps charting. So it is appropriate to revisit its new manifestation at a time when the shares look to be ready to rebound. Although we are now in a very healthy looking period for small caps shares – especially…