
Viva Espana! Ibex continues to make up lost ground. 7000 beckons…

Viva Espana! Ibex continues to make up lost ground. 7000 beckons…

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Following yesterdays posts where we opined on the implications of the Put:Call ratio making a rare print over 1 (1.1 at its peak) and the deeply oversold status of Spanish equities in particular, it is not surprising to see the Ibex in the vanguard of European equity strength today. With the index scratching against the…

Home Retail Group results show two speed high street

Home Retail Group results show two speed high street

1 mins. to read

The depressing state of many parts of Britain’s high street was illustrated by a 13 percent slump in Home Retail Group shares, owner of Argos and Homebase, to 87.5p after disappointing results and a dividend cut.  Investors in Home Retail who has 748 stores have seen their shares tumble from a 52 week high of…

Rare 1.1 print on US Equity Put:Call ratio

Rare 1.1 print on US Equity Put:Call ratio

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Data provided by CBOE website. One of my favourite indicators with regards to providing a lead indicator for  a rise in the market, particularly when in an oversold situation, is the so called Put:Call ratio and more specifically, the equity only component. The print today of 1.1 is very rare and almost without fail…

Weak private sector US employment data hits markets

Weak private sector US employment data hits markets

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The markets are down heavily today as the ADP (Automatic Data Processing) shows  the weakest growth in US private sector employment in seven months. The Dow Jones Industrials are down 50 points to 13,229 and the FTSE 100 is down 57 at 5,755. The data showed an increase of  119,000 in April, the lowest result…

Shareholder uprising against excesses of executive pay

Shareholder uprising against excesses of executive pay

1 mins. to read

Spreadbet Magazine supports wholeheartedly the growing momentum by company shareholders to the grossly excessive and disproportionate pay levels currently prevalent in corporate UK. Our story posted yesterday on the magnitude of monies that wee paid out at Lehman just before its collapse is a salutary lesson in just how much many respect modern day company…

Falkland Islands oil quiet for now but plenty of action to come

Falkland Islands oil quiet for now but plenty of action to come

1 mins. to read

After the hysteria triggered by the rumours of a gigantic oil discovery at Borders and Southern’s Darwin East well in the South Falklands basin, all is quiet. For now! Borders and Southern of course disappointed many investors who piled into the shares a couple of weeks ago after stories in the Sun newspaper of oil…

Research in motion slips on smart phone data

Research in motion slips on smart phone data

0 mins. to read

Research in Motion’s shares are down 4.5 percent to $13.6 on a report from IDC that showed RIM’s share of the global smartphone market fell to 6.7% in the first quarter of 2012, compared to 13.6% for the same period last year. Apple and Samsung together had a 53% of the total market on a volume…