
Morning market commentary

Morning market commentary

4 mins. to read

After a strong start to yesterday, Wall Street struggled to maintain momentum after a number of corporates reported weaker earnings and concerns arose over Germany’s follow through on Summit resolutions. The DOW closed out the session down 83 points. Although the reporting season got off to a reasonable start, Wall Street is going to be…



6 mins. to read

One of the most remarkable features of equity markets right now is the valuations being attributed to gold mining shares. With the price of gold having strengthened considerably over recent years, margins and profits within gold mining industry have been soaring yet share prices have exhibited significant weakness. Whether it is fears of resource nationalisation, political instability…

Just when will John Paulsons bad run end? Funds down again in June

Just when will John Paulsons bad run end? Funds down again in June

3 mins. to read

John Paulson, the billionaire hedge- fund manager who cleaned up to the tune of $3bn personally in 2008 with his wager against the US housing market is, it seems, digging himself even further into a deeper hole with a bet that Europe is facing a financial crisis. The $22 billion firm posted losses in all…

Will America fall over the “fiscal cliff”?

Will America fall over the “fiscal cliff”?

3 mins. to read

Have you heard of America’s “fiscal cliff”? If not, be aware that in just 176 days’ time, unless the US Congress gets a grip, America could fall off the edge of of it, plunging the nation into crisis. More about that in just a moment. But first, to give you some context, think back to…

Aluminium company Alcoa starts off second quarter earnings season with a “beat”

Aluminium company Alcoa starts off second quarter earnings season with a “beat”

0 mins. to read

And so the US second quarter earnings season kicked off with a mixed story from aluminium giant Alcoa. Earnings and revenues beat expectations, with rising shipments giving some reassurance about global demand levels for this key industrial metal. Although Alcoa lost money in the second quarter with aluminium prices dropping 18% from the same period…

knowing when to throw in the towel – trading trends eod report

knowing when to throw in the towel – trading trends eod report

2 mins. to read

A new traders worst case scenario happened today. Emotions were not under control and I found that the trades that I had stretched myself on were continuing to going against me. A feeling of being out of control crept in and so I closed everything. It may have been the best thing to do and…

technical analysis overview courtesy of cantor capital

technical analysis overview courtesy of cantor capital

4 mins. to read

FTSE 100, Monthly, OHLC This report will continue to focus on the Monthly, Weekly and only then the Daily charts. The monthly timescale naturally takes the long term view so the commentary in this section will only be updated as when market events dictate. So regular readers of this report will only need to read…

Plenty of action in AIM oil and gas today

Plenty of action in AIM oil and gas today

2 mins. to read

After Friday’s large rise, Cameroon focused oil explorer, Bowleven fell back to earth today with a 12% drop to 62p. Rumours were rife of another potential takeover bid after the aborted talks with Dragon Oil earlier in the year fell through. No sign of any announcement at the start of the week sent the speculators…

US earnings season gets into swing with Alcoa results later tonight

US earnings season gets into swing with Alcoa results later tonight

1 mins. to read

Aluminium producer -Alcoa’s results after the US market close tonight signal the start of the second quarter 2012 earnings season. Plenty for investors around the world to digest as many of the world’s biggest companies give some insights on how the eurozone crisis and slowing Chineseeconomy is hitting their bottom lines. Not only is Alcoa…