
Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

4 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. UK Corporate Announcements Debenhams announces it sees a full year pre-tax profit in line with the expectations, and that its strategy is starting to work and that its modernised stores are performing well, and its profit is ahead of last…



1 mins. to read

So far our Dream Oil Explorers portfolio has gone swimmingly. The real outliers in terms of valuation are Ruspetro (which we cover in this months edition of our magazine out this Friday) and Gulfsands Petroleum. Aside from the valuation underpinnings for Gulfsands, we like the chart set up below, where it looks as if there…

read through to Borders & Southern from FOGL

read through to Borders & Southern from FOGL

0 mins. to read

Interesting to see Borders & Southern shares rising this morning following the drubbing of recent weeks on analysts re-appraisals of the costs of commercialising their gas find at their Darwin prospect. Although FOGL shareholders are no disappointed that the liquid black stuff was not struck, make no mistake that the presence of strong gas shows…

the concise guide to the week ahead courtesy of Cantor Index

the concise guide to the week ahead courtesy of Cantor Index

4 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Monday, September 17, 2012 UK Reporting:- Aberdeen Asset Mgmt Plc, ADN, (SM), Exillon Energy Plc, EXI, (Pr), International Ferro Metals, IFL, (R), Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, RBS, (Pr), Standard Chartered Plc, STAN, (SM) S&P 500 Ex Dividends (gross):- Allegheny Technologies Inc,…

QE3 and its potential unintended consequences on bond yields

QE3 and its potential unintended consequences on bond yields

2 mins. to read

Following the Fed’s announcement of (yet) another round of quantitative easing, global stock markets responded with a resounding “yes, thank you” at the end of last week. The chart below shows the S&P 500 since September 2008 and the yellow areas mark the beginning to end of the prior quantitative easing programs. Even though two…

A very apt post on greed in its worst form from Cityunslicker

A very apt post on greed in its worst form from Cityunslicker

2 mins. to read

Peter Cumming, formerly of HBOS It is very lucky today that I am going to work early enough to avoid breakfast, otherwise on reading the paper I may have choked on this from the Telegraph: “In a statement Mr Cummings said he rejected the FSA’s findings but would not be appealing the fine. He said: “Many…

What next for U.S. and European markets?

What next for U.S. and European markets?

2 mins. to read

With the FTSE All share, Dow Industrials and S&P 500 all either close to or at 52 week highs and the U.S market showing very strong gains for year to date (S&P 500 up 16.5%), the big question is, how much further do markets have to go this year? As the previous post on the…

Time to put the foot on the pedal with risk assets

Time to put the foot on the pedal with risk assets

2 mins. to read

We posted back in July that the correlation between UK QE and the UK stock markets was likely to be broken as four rounds of QE have now been completed and yet the primary increase in asset prices had been completed after the second round, last year. Indeed in July and August  of this year…