
UK Banking Sector outperformance set to continue into 2013

UK Banking Sector outperformance set to continue into 2013

6 mins. to read

The Great Financial Crisis, which started in the U.S. in 2007, but rapidly spread to Europe leaving a massive trail of destruction all over the global economy, was especially lethal inside the banking sector. Banks had been prospering for many years as they extended ever greater credit into a buoyant global economic backdrop – a…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

6 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Wed, November 7, 2012 UK Corporate Announcements FirstGroup reports an H1 pre-tax profit of £8.4m from £127m with sales up 2.6% to £3.5bn and states that it is pleased with the progress on its strategy Burberry announces an adjusted pre-tax…

Some thoughts on tonight’s U.S. Presidential election race

Some thoughts on tonight’s U.S. Presidential election race

1 mins. to read

Will it be Republican Mitt Romney or Democrat Barack Obama who are victorious in today’s U.S. Presidential election and find themselves in the White house? Its neck and neck, so it looks like the result could go either way.  For investors, there’s a few things to think about. Whoever wins, the new President will have…

24 hours away from the US election result

24 hours away from the US election result

3 mins. to read

Of all the swing states, all eyes will be focused on the key Midwest state of Ohio where 18 electoral votes could well prove to be decisive. Obama has an advantage in this stay after effectively saving the US auto industry from bankruptcy following the Great Financial Crisis. This will give him an edge tonight. There…

WTI-Brent: WTI discounts widens again to over $20/barrel

WTI-Brent: WTI discounts widens again to over $20/barrel

1 mins. to read

One of the most significant developments in oil markets over the past three or so months has been a pronounced widening to historically high levels in the WTI Cushing discount to Brent. From the low point in 2012 of $10.3/barrel on 20 June the discount widened to a recent high on 11 October of $24.6/barrel.…

More good news for Caza from New Mexico

More good news for Caza from New Mexico

0 mins. to read

Caza oil and gas, whose shares are up 50 percent in the last week on news flow from its New Mexico assets had more good news today with the issue of a further production update. Caza is currently up a further 4.5p or 32% to 19p, compared with 7p in early October. Under controlled flowback,…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

7 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Tues, November 6, 2012 UK Corporate Announcements Marks & Spencer announces H1 underlying operating profit £354.9m on sales of £4.7bn, largely in line, despite stating the recent trading has been volatile Associated British Foods reports a full year pre-tax profit…