Funds and Investment Trusts

Has Neil Woodford lost his touch?

Has Neil Woodford lost his touch?

6 mins. to read

Neil Woodford is one of the country’s best known and most successful fund managers, but in the last few weeks a number of his largest holdings have suffered dramatic price falls. The most spectacular of these was the doorstep lender, Provident Financial (LON:PFG), which Simon Cawkwell had highlighted as a short at 2,100p in his…

The small-cap funds with big potential

The small-cap funds with big potential

1 mins. to read

Last year’s Brexit referendum has created a huge amount of uncertainty for British businesses and the election of a minority Conservative government has muddied the waters even further. The lack of political leadership has made it difficult to assess the long-term economic impact of our departure from the EU on domestically focused companies, many of…

Inflation-linked income from supermarket real estate

Inflation-linked income from supermarket real estate

2 mins. to read

Income investors frustrated by the low rates of interest have had to look elsewhere for alternative sources of yield. The ideal investment for anyone in this position would be a relatively low risk fund that pays a reliable inflation-linked income like a property or infrastructure investment trust, but most of these vehicles are now trading…

How much does your fund really cost you?

How much does your fund really cost you?

2 mins. to read

Buying an investment fund is unlike almost any other purchase you will ever make as you are not told upfront how much it is going to cost you. The best available estimate is the ‘ongoing charges’ figure, which is disclosed in the associated literature, but it does not give you the full picture. A fund’s…