Funds and Investment Trusts

The warehouse specialist benefiting from Brexit

The warehouse specialist benefiting from Brexit

2 mins. to read

One of the most unusual property investment trusts is the Tritax Big Box REIT (LON:BBOX), which invests in warehouses for large blue-chip clients. It has delivered strong returns since the launch in 2013 and expects a further boost from Brexit as more companies look for UK warehouse facilities to avoid the new border controls. BBOX…

Steady year for global giant RIT Capital Partners

Steady year for global giant RIT Capital Partners

3 mins. to read

RIT Capital Partners (LON:RCP) delivered a solid NAV total return of 8.2% last year and remains defensively positioned. It is chaired by Lord Rothschild and aims to deliver long-term capital growth, whilst preserving shareholders’ capital. Since it was launched in 1988 the fund has achieved the impressive feat of participating in 75% of market upside,…

Strong year for global mining investment trust

Strong year for global mining investment trust

2 mins. to read

It has been a strong year for BlackRock World Mining (LON:BRWM) with a NAV return of 24% in 2017. The performance has been driven by the pick-up in global economic growth, and sentiment towards the fund is finally starting to improve after a significant write-down in 2013 dented investor confidence. If the economic recovery continues…

3 different strategies to protect your capital

3 different strategies to protect your capital

3 mins. to read

The way the markets have started 2018 suggests that we have entered a new phase of heightened volatility with plenty of downside risk. Investors who are uncomfortable with this environment may want to protect their capital by increasing their exposure to some of the more defensively positioned funds. These use a variety of strategies to…

Market sell-off creates both risk and opportunity

Market sell-off creates both risk and opportunity

3 mins. to read

At times of extreme market stress, investment trusts tend to behave more like equities than funds, with the prevailing sense of nervousness driving their prices well beyond their underlying net asset values. This discount volatility creates both an extra source of risk as well as a potential opportunity. Whenever the market experiences a sharp sell-off…

The concentrated value fund betting on a UK recovery

The concentrated value fund betting on a UK recovery

2 mins. to read

The threat of a hard Brexit has held back the performance of domestically orientated UK stocks and created a value opportunity for those who believe that the economy will withstand all the business and political uncertainty surrounding the negotiations. If you share this view you might want to consider the Aurora Investment Trust (LON:ARR). This…

Revealed: the best funds for 2018

Revealed: the best funds for 2018

10 mins. to read

Despite all the dire threats and warnings 2017 turned out to be another strong year for the markets with each of the main equity regions posting healthy gains. The most profitable areas to invest in were the Far East and the Emerging Markets with 11-month returns to the end of November of 27% and 21%…

How will the Carillion collapse affect listed infrastructure funds?

How will the Carillion collapse affect listed infrastructure funds?

2 mins. to read

Two funds operating in the listed infrastructure sector have announced that they have significant exposure to Carillion through the subcontracting of facilities management services on Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects and public-private partnerships (PPP). They have recently provided details about how they will be affected by the compulsory liquidation of the company. The biggest potential…

How to prepare for the end of the bond bull market

How to prepare for the end of the bond bull market

2 mins. to read

Traditionally investors have been able to diversify fairly simply by using a mixture of bonds and equities, but with the world’s central banks starting to reduce liquidity there is a good chance that both asset classes will weaken in unison. Many alternatives also look vulnerable, which creates a major challenge for fund investors who want…